Chapter 10: Drake's P.O.V

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The sun was beginning to set and Grayson was starting up a fire. For some reason, I was afraid. I don't have anything to hide. Atleast, not that I know of. I sit on the rocky floor and watch Grayson work. So many thoughts swam through my head. What exactly does this deal mean? Obviously it isn't anything good. I rub my face and sigh.

     "What's on your mind?" Grayson asks as he lights up the wood. I shake my head.

"That's the thing. Everything gets so scrambled that I can't keep up with even myself." I answer. I pain goes through my head but I shake it off. 'This is a nonstop thing with you Herobrine. Stop it.' I think to myself. 'Aw come now. That ain't no fun.' He answers in my head.

      "Drake?" I hear Grayson call out to me.

  "Huh?" I answer.

        "I was rambling on to you and I guess you zoned out. You sure your ok?" He asks, worried.

"Don't worry about me. I just got a lot going on in my mind." I reasure him.

         "Nothing good I suppose." He guesses. I nod and he sits down next to me.

     "I know you're not too big on the whole "open out to others" stuff, but this kind of stuff you gotta talk to us about. Herobrine's after you Drake. No one else. He wants you for your power and body. And he wont stop till he gets what he wants." I chuckle a little.

          "I've known that for years. He never stops. Even for something completely stupid. His ambitions are higher than his common sense. He..." I trail off and shake my head. I mean, what do you say?

   "He what?" He asks.

        "Nothing. Just talking to talk." I answer. The wind started picking up pace.

  "Guessing a storm is brewing." Grayson says and gets up.

               "I'll get the others. Stay here." I nod and he walks off. I grab a stick and start poking at the fire. A much sharper pain stabs my skull and I drop the stick. I grasp my head and close my eyes.

    "Get....out..." I breathe out. I hear faint laughter and the pain continues. 'This is getting old Collin.' I growl at him in my head. A much worse wave of pain comes over me and I yelp out loud. 'Never call me by that name. Ever.' He warns me. I gulp and rub the temples of my head. I hear the others walking up and quickly go back to poking the fire.

    "Hey Drake." I hear Mia call out. I smile at her and she smiles back. Everyone sits around the fire and Grayson starts cooking up some mutton.

         "Anyone want to volunteer to go first?" Grayson asks.

"I can go. No one has heard the full story. Right Grayson?" Luke sits up and looks at Grayson. He shakes his head and Luke clears his throat.

              "A very long while back, Grayson and I were both students in training for the royal guard. We eventually made it, but it wasn't all that it was craked up to be. Not much happened, until Herobrine showed up. Anyways, we had ships that would always come in wih supplies or artifacts. One day, they found an egg. I caught the rumors and decided to tell Grayson about it. Being the young, excited one, I couldn't keep my mouth closed for long. Once I told Grayson, he wanted to take it. For good reason too. The king had enough power as it was, but I guess I was too ignorant to acknowledge that. A guard came up to me and gave me night shift duty for the egg. I took it cause I would get good money for it. I didn't know Grayson was coming that night and I ratted him out. Doing my job costed the lives of his family and I just wish I could take it back." Luke explains, in his own detailed words. Grayson stared at him, dumbstruck.

        "Luke...I-I didn't know." He says. Luke laughs a little.

  "It's not like you should've known. I should've told you.....I'm sorry it went down that way." Grayson nods.

      "All has been forgiven. I don't hold grudges against friends and family Luke. You know that, of all people." He smiles. I watch them, surprised. That went a whole lot better than expected. I sigh and look around at everyone.

   "My turn?" I ask.

"Go ahead." Grayson answers.

          "Let me put it this way. Armen you don't know this but I gotta be open this time. I-I can't hide this kind of stuff."

      "What is it?" He asks. I close my eyes and sigh.

"I was originally an enderman. I was a creature with no human emotions, feelings, anything. When Collin, your brother, started turning into Herobrine, he took what was left of his humanity and placed it on another being. That being me. I didn't have a past, childhood, hometown, parents, nothing. It started with Herobrine and it's going to end with him. That's just where my road leads. Deals and disasters." I explain. It felt good to get it off my chest, but I knew Herobrine wasn't happy. Armen stares at me, shocked.

        "B-But...what?" He shakes his head.

     "I know it's hard to understand. But believe me, I'm still trying to get through that fact too. Look...I've made mistakes which lead to the death of you. I've made deals and I'm not proud of it. But Armen....I guess what I'm trying to say is....I-It's....It's time to move on."

  "What?!" He exclaims.

       "You deserve better Armen! You know that and so do we. You need to go to a much happier place than this..nightmare!" I explain to him. His eyes fill with tears.

             "But I don't wanna go! Let me stay! Please!" He bellows out, crieing.

    "It's ok little brother, I-" I stop and my eyes go wide. Little brother? Why did I say that? I close my eyes and suddenly, memories come flooding through my head. All I catch is a curse, a punished brother, and two white eyes.  My eyes shoot open and I gasp.

"What?" They all say to me. I look to the fire then back at them.

        "I don't know. Some kind of...memories came bursting in my head." I answer.

  "What were they?" Grayson asks.

       "You wont belive it but....I was human before. I mean...before all of this. Before being an enderman."

"What? But the journal-" I cut Mia off.

       "That was after. I was cursed. I don't know who did it and why but I was. I was turned into an enderman. To live a lonely life. Then collin showed up, gave me his humanity, and walked away. Hmmm...a curse, a punished brother, and two white eyes. It makes sense! My curse, Armens punished brother, and Herobrine's two white eyes! So I did have a past. But what was it?"

             "You mean you don't remember. Any of it? Man, that's gotta be rough." Luke says. I nod and stare at the fire.

  "Alright. Enough stories for now. Let's just eat and get some rest ok?" Grayson suggests. We all nod and grab some food. But two questions stood stuck in my head. What exactly did happen in my past? And why is it coming back now?

"After The Haunted"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ