Chapter 21: Drake's P.O.V

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I slowly open my eyes, my head throbbing. I look around and see a dark room. I feel the back of my head and look at my hand. Blood covered my hand and I try to wipe it off on my pants. I slowly stand up, clutching my arm and try to balance on my feet. A pain shoots up my leg and I fall against the wall. I wince as I start to walk, using the wall as my balance. 'Great. My leg is probably sprained...or worse...broken.' 'You ok?' I hear Armen ask me. I sigh. 'I'll live.' I tell him. I continue to limp and enter a hallway. It splits off in three directions. Forward, left, and right.

"Am I in a maze?!?" I ask panically. 'Afraid so...' I groan and take a right.

"Guys!" I call out. I listen carefully, but hear no one. I end up in another section of hallways. 'Seems like you went the right way.'

"I know I'm going the right way because I can feel a magical presence.." I say aloud. 'I'm back!' Herobrines voice echoes excitedly in my head. 'Just what we needed...for you to swoop in and ruin everything.' 'Aw come on! I'm fun to have around. Right Drake?' I ignore him. Memories of my parents dead flash in my head. I limp down the left hallway and continue on. 'Drake..' I gritt my teeth.

"Just leave me be..." I mumble. Surprisingly, they leave. I stop and look down at my leg. I see that it is starting to get swollen. I try to place my weight on it and I yelp.

"Nope nope...defiantly broken." I groan. This is gonna be impossible.

------ 2 Hours Later ------

After weaving around corners and keeping in the tears, I finally make it into an open room. I sit down for a moment and pull up my right pant leg. I inspect it a little and drink some water. 'Man..I don't know if it's broken or not. Hurts like a mother though.." I think to myself. I get back up and look around. I walk up and stop dead in my tracks. A huge, open chasm lied before me.

"When alone in the dark, could you rely and trust your own sanity to keep you alive?" A voice boomed. I jump a little and stagger back to keep my balance.

"What?" I ask. Silence. I gulp and look across the chasm. On the other side, a small light glows in the distance. And of course, I have to cross this to get to it.

"I'm a mad man goes nothing." I back up and run as fast as I can, ignoring the nasuating pain that shot up my leg. I jump and cling on to the edge of the other side of the chasm. I climb up and sprawl out on the floor, clutching my stomach and gasping for breath. I stand up, wincing and groaning in the process. Everything was acheing and I couldn't feel my right leg anymore. I limp over to the light. It shines over a chest and I open it up. Inside, a piece of paper lied.

"I jumped over a chasm for A STUPID PIECE OF PAPER!" I yell. 'Drake...flip the paper over.' Armen says annoyingly. I flip it over and my eyes go wide.

"No way.." I mumble. 'What is it?'

"It's...It's a map piece of Draco Hatchery." Suddenly, the ground begins to shake beneath me and I plumet through a hole.

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