Chapter 23: Grayson's P.O.V

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I was completely alone again. No sign of the others anywhere. I sigh and continue down the long, agonizing path. I remember the simulations they use to do back at training. How they'd make you run through a maze and calculate how long it takes you to get out. Those memories quickly left my thoughts. They caused so much pain to my family and especially my brother....and they were gonna pay.

   It wasn't long till I was starting to get irritated. This place seemed to have no end. I was getting worried as well. I wanted to be with the others now. But I have no idea how to get to them.

       "Guys! You around here?!" I shout. My voice echoes down the pathway. I get chills down my spine and continue to walk. 'Wow. This place could not get any creepier..' I think to myself. The place isn't as much as being creepy, just erie. It seemed like at any moment, something was gonna jump out. And something probably was.

Once again, completely irritated.

"Why am I going suddenly in one direction? Isn't this a maze?!" I ask into nothingness. 'Wait nevermind. Keep it in one direction! It is so much easier!' I think to myself. Sometimes I am an idiot for no apparent reason. But I guess that just builds my lovely character.

Finally, I reach the end of the pathway. A chasm lies before me with a faint light at the end.

"Are you willing to sacrifice your all to achieve your goal?" A voice echoed across the room. 'Okay...completely normal.' I make a run for it and jump across the chasm. It was the only way of progress to make. I make it over with ease and run over to the light. A chest lies underneath. I gasp as I pull out the paper.

"No way.." I say aloud, smiling wide. Draco Hatchery. It was only a piece of the map, but it's a start. Suddenly, I begin to hear yelling.

"What in the world...." I look up and the ceiling begins to shake a little. I turn to run when something lands on me and sends me to the floor.

"Ouch..." I grumble.

"Agh...stupid holes..." That voice was all too familiar. I slowly look up and see my hybrid brother.

"Hi Drake.." I mumble. He looks down and smiles.

"Hello there." He responds. I slowly lift up and move him off of me. He lands on the floor and yelps.

"Are you ok?" I ask him. I look at him from top to bottom. He has a few scratches on his face, he's clutching his left arm, and his right leg is swollen.

"Wow...this place was not easy on you." I tell him.

"Yeah. Tell me about's always nice to wake up on the cold floor of a maze all beaten up. I had to jump over a chasm like this!" He exclaims.

"Wait....did you find one of these?" I ask and hold up the map piece.

"Yeah actually." He answers and hands the piece to me. I take it and place them both in my jacket pocket. I turn around and suddenly see the wall begin to rumble. I stand in front of Drake, providing him protection. The wall begins to move and two figures emerge from outside the doorway. I unsheathe my sword, ready to strike.

"Woah Grayson! It's ok!" I hear Mia's soft voice. I lower my sword and run up to her. I take her by the cheeks and kiss her. She pulls back and smiles.

"I missed you too." She says.

"Hey Drake!" Luke calls out.

"Sup.." Drake mumbles, still sitting on the floor. He slowly stands up, yelping as he does. He limps his way over.

"Hope I'm not missing much..." He groans.

"Are you ok? We saw you falling earlier.." Luke asks.

"What?" Drake asks.

"Luke and I were walking down a path. We heard someone yelling and looked down this hole. Sooner or later, you came flying down. We tried to get to you as soon as possible. Oh! And Grayson..." Mia explains and hands me two pieces of paper. I see that they are Draco Hatchery maps as well.

"This is awesome! We only got one map to find now!" I exclaim.

"Yeah...but where is the last one?" Mia asks.

"No idea..." I mumble, placing all the maps in my bag.

"Guys...can we get out of here? I'm starting to feel a bit dizzy..." Drake mumbles, looking around the area.

"Is he really ok?" Mia whispers.

"I don't know. He might've hit his head. When we give him enough regeneration and healing potions, he should be much better." I whisper back.

"We need to head back through that doorway. There is another set of staircase that leads up." Luke explains. I nod and we head up.

After many steps, we finally make it out into the fresh air. The staircase led us to the basement of a fallen house. We quickly got out and walked towards the front of the town.

"Everyone ok?" I ask.

"Yeah.." Drake answers.

"We need to find shelter so you can heal up." Mia says. I look at Drake and he's staring at something, his eyes wide.

"What is it?" I ask. He slowly lifts his hand and points to a message board. Two papers were pinned to it. One had all four of our faces. The other one....had Drake's face. Luke walks up to it.

"Attention! Four prisoners have escaped the Empire jail. The have committed treason and have stolen the prized egg of the dragon. If these four are to be sighted, report to the Empire guard immediately." Luke reads the paper.

"Warning! Dangerous hybrid on the loose. Said to be a worker for the one named Herobrine. He has recently been sighted near the town named Aerduin. Be on sharp lookout. If found, please take shelter and report to Empire guard." Luke reads the second one aloud.

"Aerduin....that's our home!" Drake exclaims and looks at me. I nod slowly and take down the papers. I crumble them up and throw them away.

"We take shelter here. Find a spot to rest. Tomorrow morning we travel." I command. They all nod and I head towards a house.

Once settled in, I pull out a Regeneration and two healing potions out of my bag.

"These should heal you up over night." I say and hand them to Drake.

"Thanks.." He says and drinks them. His eyes droop a little.

"Wow....I feel so-" He falls back and falls asleep. Mia and Luke do the same. 'We're walking on some thin ice...' I think to myself before falling asleep.

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