Chapter 20: Grayson's P.O.V

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I wake up to the wind slowly blowing through my hair. I look down and see Drake sprawled across my lap. I try to push him but to no avail.

"Drake." I poke him. He turns over and falls off. He lands face first into the ground.

"Ouch.." I hear him mumble. I burst into laughter.

"You ok?" I ask him. He lifts his hand and gives me a thumbs up. I continue to laugh and stand up. I walk over to my bag and open it.

"Just great." I say as I close the bag up.

"What?" He asks as he lifts his face up. I look at him and he has a smudge of dirt going from his forehead to his cheek.

"I don't have supplies to cook breakfast. I don't really have supplies at all. All I have is berries. Oh...and you got dirt all over your face." I point to my face. He rubs his cheek and looks at his hand.

"Do want to go on a supply run?" He asks as he continues to rub his face.

"We don't have a choice. But I don't know where to go." I answer.

"What's going on?" I hear Mia behind me.

"We're low on supplies." Drake answers. I pull out a map and examine it.

"There is a town but it's a long walks away." I mutter.

"Oh I'm an idiot!" Drake exclaims.

"Why?" Mia and I ask.

"I forgot to recharge my magic at my house. I got some to at least teleport once maybe." He groans and plants his face back in the dirt.

"What did I miss?" I hear Luke mumble sleepily. He looks over at Drake and starts laughing.

"What happened to him?" He asks.

"Shut it Luke." Drake mumbles angrily. Luke shrugs and walks over to us.

"Alright. We'll use what's left of Drakes magic to teleport to this town." I point to an open area with a brown dot on the map.

"Sounds like a plan." Mia and Luke say. I nod and look over to Drake.

  "You ready Drake?" I ask him. He gets up and walks over to us.

"Sure. Let's do this." He holds out his hands and we all form a circle. He closes his eyes and I begin to feel weightless. Purple colors shine brightly around us and we end up in another location. We let go of each other's hands and Drake staggers back.

"You ok?" I ask him. He grasps his head and blinks a few times.

"Yeah. Just light headed." He answers. I nod and turn around. Gates tower over us as we face the town.

"This has to have supplies." Luke says. I nod and walk inside. Nothing but houses and a small town square filled the area. I walk into a small, worn-down house to find debris lying everywhere. I pick up a dry piece of wood off the floor.

    "Find anything?" Mia asks as the others walk inside.

"Nope." I say as I start picking up more wood and placing it in my bag.

     "What are you doing?" Luke asks.

"Firewood." Drake answers and I nod.

"This house might be destroyed but there are others to look at." I say and walk out the door. I walk up to Mia and pull her to the side.

    "What is it?" She asks.

"We need to split up in order to cover this place. Do you mind if you go with Luke this time? It's just...after what happened back at the-" She stops me and kisses me on the lips.

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