Chapter 7: Drake's P.O.V

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I teleport into a hallway. The area was fairly quiet and no guards were seen. Something was wrong. I walk up to a doorway and peek my head around the corner. A guard stood on each side of a stone colum, a pillow sitting on top. On that pillow, a black and purple polka dotted egg stood. 'Okay. Not a problem. It's only two guards.' I thought to myself.

"Hey." I hear a whisper behind me and turn around. Luke walks up and hides next to me.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be "guarding" the cells?" I ask him.

"Change of plans. We need to get that egg now." He says, worriedly. I look at him.

"What's going on Luke?" I ask. He sighs and looks at me.

"The king requested Grayson to be executed." He tells me.

"I know. That's why we need to hurry and get out of here." He continues to look at me.

"Today Drake. They're doing it today." My eyes go wide.

"Like r-right now?" I ask. He nods and I look to the ground. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces my head. My knees buckle and I grasp my head.

"" I groan, closing my eyes shut. I feel a hand on my back and notice it's Luke.

"Hey...Y-you ok?" He asks.

"No...yeah. I-I'm's just...this one's different." I open my eyes and look around. Everything seemed tinted a different color. and purple. The pain continued but I got up anyways.

"There...there are two guards in there. We can take them out...easily." I explain to him. He looks at me, concerned.

"Are you sure you can do this? I just had a breakdown or something." He responds. I look at him and smirk.

"As long as we work as a team, we'll be fine." I hold my hand out to him. He looks at my hand and shakes it.

"Now, let's show em' what we're made of." Luke says and grins at me. I nod and unsheathe my sword. I crouch down and Luke follows suit. I peek back around and see the guards still at their posts.

"Alright. Do you have anything I could throw in there to distract them?" I ask. He pulls out a sovereign and hands it to me. I grab it and peek back around the corner. I toss the coin in the far right side of the room. It makes a loud ringing noise and the guards turn their heads. I nod at Luke and we run for it. I run up to the guard on the left. He looks back at me but I kick him in the face, knocking him out. I run over to Luke and see an unconscious body on the floor.

"Not bad Luke." He nods.

"Same goes for you." I smile. Suddenly my vision goes blurry and I stagger back.

"Woah! Man, I knew this wasn't gonna end well." Luke balances me back on my feet.

"Forget about me. We need to get to the others. How long do you think we have?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"I don't know. Fifteen minutes? Thirty?" He answers. I walk up to the egg and grab it. I stuff it in my bag and close it tight.

"Let's hurry. I have a bad feeling." We rush out of the room and towards the courtyard.

------ 10 Minutes Later ------

We were running out of time. I sprint as quickly as possible, my head pounding against my skull. I knew something was happening to me, but I didn't care. One of my best friends were soon to die.

"Drake! Wait up!" I hear Luke call out to me.

"I can't Luke! We don't have much time!" I continue running until my vision starts going blurry again. 'Don't pass out! Don't do it.' I thought to myself. I hear faint laughter echo through my head. I shake my head and realise that Luke was still talking to me.

"DRAKE!" He finally shouts.

"What?" I snap at him. I stop and grasp my head. 'That wasn't my voice...what's happening to me?' All these thoughts swirled around my head. Luke walks up to me, dumbstruck.

"Holy-....Drake...You're pale! A-And your...eye..." He shakes his head. I start to walk off.

"I don't friend needs my help. And I'll be sure to do whatever it takes. Even if it kills me. Now, are you coming with me or not?" I explain to him.

"Drake.." He says, concerned.

"Are you coming or not?" I ask him again. He nods and follows behind me. 'This'll be fun...' I hear in the back of my head. I continue on.

Finally, we make it to the courtyard. I look around frantically for the others. I look back at Luke and he shrugs. I turn back around and walk further out. Suddenly, Armen appears in front of me. I jump.

"Sorry." He apologizes.

"It's fine. Do you know-" I chilling scream echoes through the courtyard.

"GRAYSON!! LET HIM GO!! YOU MONSTERS!!!" That voice was all too familiar to me.

"MIA!!!" I scream and run towards the source of her voice. Anger engulfed me completely. Red tinted my vision. I run around a corner and see Mia chained to a metal pole. In front of her was Grayson, beaten up and inside a tank of water for who knows how long. I run up to the three guards next to Mia.

"Luke! Get the two near Grayson! Now!" I shout orders out to him while kicking and punching the guards.

"Got it!" He yells back. I finish off the last guard and grab the keys. I walk up to Mia and unlock the chains. She gets up and looks at me. I nod and run over to Grayson. I start banging on the glass. He slowly opens his eyes and starts panicking, banging on the glass as well. I back up a little.

"How do we get him out? GAHH!!!" I scream out.

"Ugh Drake? Look at your hands." I hear Armen and turn to him. He points down at my hands. I hold them up and my eyes go wide. Fire. Ablazed on both of my hands.

"What am I doing this?!?" I look at Armen but he shrugs.

"Try creating a fireball? Maybe you can throw it at the tank and the force will break it." He suggests. I put my hands together and slowly pull them apart. In the middle, flames spiraled into a ball. I made it medium sized and readied myself to throw it. I stretch my arm back and chuck it as hard as I can. The force of the ball hits the glass and shatters it. Grayson falls out of the tank, coughing and panting.

"GRAYSON!!" Mia calls out and runs to him. She lunges on to him and hugs him tightly. She pulls back and looks into his eyes. Finally, she kisses him. They kissed and huged for what seemed like minutes upon minutes. I smile and finally cough to get their attention.

"Lets go. I have enough of Armens energy to teleport all us out of here and somewhere else." I tell them. I look at Luke.

"You coming with us?" I ask him. He looks to the ground. He looks back up and grins.

"You bet." He says. We all gather in a group and grab eachothers hands. I think of an area far away from the Empire. We disappear and end up at my house. We get our bareings and look around. Once again, my vision goes blurry. I start losing balance and I sway side to side.

"Woah...Drake. Are you ok?" I hear somone ask, but it was too faint to hear who it was.

"Yeah...I just....need to.....lay-" I collapse to the floor, losing all conciousness.

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