Chapter 4: Drake's P.O.V

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Everything was consumed with darkness. Silence and loneliness filled the area. Where was I? Is this still the portal?

"Hey! Let me out!! I have friends to get to!" I shout, even though I would be ignored. I begin walking around, looking for an exit. This can't be the portal. I remember getting out. What's going on? I continue looking around when a deep laugh echoes throughout the area.

"Hard holding a burden, isn't it?" This voice wasn't familiar. Not that I knew of.

"Who are you? And where have you put me?!" I demand. The voice only laughed even more. Anger engulfed me. I wasn't playing games. I wanted answers.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I scream, enraged by the cat and mouse game he made.

"How about we watch a movie? Snuggle up close together and watch the world burn..." Then it came all clear.

"H-Herobrine....WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS!" He laughs at my struggle. He finally forms in front of me, but only an apparition. I slowly back away from him.

"Here. Let me paint you a picture." A ball of light shined in his hand. It floated up and started to spin in spirals. An image began to form as I saw something I will never forget. My friends and an apparition of....Armen? I shook my head.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"You wanted answers right? Well buckle up and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime." He casts a devilish grin in my direction as the image began to play.

"DRAKE! SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!" I hear Grayson's voice. It echoed through my head over and over again. I'm being possessed. It's happening all over again. That night I almost killed's happening again!

"GRAYSON I'M TRYING! I PROMISE I AM!" Herobrine begins laughing again.

"I just thought of a great idea. I'll give ya two choices. Either you let me kill your friends now, or I can let you go, but that means torture for you. You're my little pawn Drake. It doesn't matter when, where, or how, I will have control over you. So, what'll it be. And be fast! I'm not the one for patience." I stare down at him. He has no dominance. None at all.

"You'll never win. I'll make sure of it." He smirks.

"What'll it be?" I gulp. The answer was obvious. Why would I choose to kill them? This burden is mine to deal with. They don't deserve the pain.

"Let me go." I growl at him.

"Very well. See you later...Drake." He disappears and I look back at the image. This is for the best. I know it. I turn to see a light in the shape of a doorway. I walk to it and everything goes bright.

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