Chapter 26: Mia's P.O.V

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I couldn't help but laugh at Drake. I felt horrible for doing so, but this is another one of those good memories. I smiled as I watched Drake stumble along, excited about every little thing. Grayson suddenly starts laughing.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"He kinda reminds me of when he was a kid. How excited he'd get over things." Grayson explains while snickering.

"Can I pet the penguin?" Drake asks me.

"I. Am. Not. A. PENGUIN! It is a hat! A HAT!!" Luke snaps. Drake looks at him and slaps him with a fish.

"Someone's a hungry penguin..." Drake mumbles.

"Where did he get the fish?!?" Luke exclaims. I only laugh harder.

"Just enjoy this Luke." I say through bursts of laughter.

"How can I find this funny when I'm the victim..." Luke grumbles. Drake walks up to him and hugs him.

"It's ok penguin. I'll be your friend..." I smile as Luke's eyes signify his annoyance. Luke sighs and hugs him back.

"Thanks Drake.." He mumbles and walks on. Drake walks back next to me and looks to me.

"You're pretty.." He slurs and pokes my face. I giggle.

"Thank you. You are quite handsome yourself." I return the compliment. He smiles and looks over at Grayson.

"Why does blondie not speak much.." He whispers. I shrug.

"Maybe it's because he's focused. You know he's quite smart." I say and Grayson looks at me, smiling.

"I ship it.." Drake says and trips on his foot. I help him regain balance, unsure of what he just said. I ignore it and continue the walk.

About an hour later of Drake pointing at the sky and picking up leaves, we decided to take one final rest. Hopefully Drake's loopiness would where off by the time we started to travel again. It is funny, I will admit. But now I miss the old Drake.

"How long till this is over?" Luke asks.

"I don't know, but it can't be much longer." Grayson answers. I look over at Drake to see him arguing with a...cow.

"You can't just walk up here like you own the place!" Drake snaps.

"Moo..." The cow exclaims.

"Don't back talk me!! I own this territory!!" He yells. The cow walks away and Drake smiles.

"I win." He says triumphetly and comes to sit down with us. We talk for a little when things start getting a bit errie and silent. We look over at Drake to see him clutching his head.

"Is he back to his normal self?" Luke asks. Suddenly Drake lurches his chest forward and his head looks down. He stands up and looks at us, his head cocked to the side. One thing that scared me the most was that now both his eyes were glowing white. I grab my stuff and back up quickly.

"Aw, what's wrong? Someone scared?" He asks in a dark voice. Grayson and Luke run over to me and stand in front of me.

"Let him go!" Grayson growls.

"Why should I? He's out of your hair now.." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He looks to me and grins.

"It's obvious that he only got in the way." He responds. Grayson slowly takes out a dagger and glares at him. Drakebrine lifts his hand up and moves it in a pushing postion, flinging us back.

"I don't think so." Drakebrine snaps.

"Why are you doing this?" Luke groans.

"Isn't it obvious? First the haunting, next the headaches, then the abilities.....and now the possession. Drake will get weak to where he'll give up soon enough. I'm just giving him...a little nudge." His smile grows wider. I look to Luke and Grayson and nod. They nod back and pull out their weapons. They jump up and charge, making Drakebrine distracted. I pull out my bow and ready an arrow. I shoot the arrow and it zooms towards him. Drakebrine sees it and smiles.

"You'll regret that." I lower my bow and my eyes go wide as I hear a spine chilling scream. I look towards the source of the noise and see Drake, his eyes back to normal, but an arrow in his chest. The middle of his shirt spreads with blood as he staggers back.

"Drake!!" I scream, my eyes burning with tears. 'What have I done?!' I scream in my head. I run to him, as well as the others. He falls back and falls to the ground. Grayson's the first to reach him. He slightly lifts Drake up.

"D-Drake..?" He stutters on the words, his cheeks wet with tears. I watch closely and notice that he's still breathing, but it's slow.

"Grayson...I.....I am so sorry...." I say, tears streaming down my face. He looks to me.

"I can't be mad....It's not your fault...." He says in a whisper-like tone. He suddenly grabs the arrow that's lodged in Drake's chest and yanks it. It pulls out and Drake shoots up.

"Agh!! What the heck Grayson!!!" He groans, his face paler than ever. I jump on top of Drake and hug him.

"I'm so sorry!!!" I sob. He hugs me back.

"For what?" He asks and looks at his chest.

"Oh..." He says. 'He doesn't remember...' I thought to myself.

"A mercenary spotted us. We couldn't get to him on time and he took a shot. The arrow hit you and you've been out for a little bit." Grayson explains. Drake looks at me.

"W-why are you....crying?" He groans.

"I got worried. You wouldn't wake up." I answer. He leans in and hugs me.

"It's ok. No need to worry anymore." He mumbles. He lets go and stands up. He stumbles a little before he finally gets his footing.

"You should get some rest Drake." Grayson states.

"Enough worrying about me. It'll just....waste time." He says and starts to walk off. We all get up and follow him. Grayson wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him.

"Don't beat yourself up. We had no other option." He says and kisses my forehead before walking off. Something told me that Drake knew some of it. But one question bothered me...what did he remember?

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