Chapter 24: Drake's P.O.V

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I wake up, aching all over. I slowly sit up and look around. A health potion was sitting next to me. I drink it as I see that the others were asleep. I open my bag up and pull out another potion. I stand up and walk outside, potion in hand. I chug down the drink and throw the bottle to the side.

"Why am I still hurting so much..." I mumble to myself. ' did fall down a hole...twice.' Armen responds. I wince a little. 'Inside voice please..' 'Uhh...I am using an inside voice.' 'My head and hearing must be sensitive to noises then..' I walk around the town a bit, taking in the air. As much as the place was torn down, the air was still fresh. I walk up to a lake that lays at the end of the town. I look at the ripples that form in the water as the wind blew against my hair. I turn around and walk back.

Once back inside the house, I sit down. It was completely quiet without hearing the others. Kinda nice actually. My head started hurting as I said those words. I rub my head and drink another potion. 'Drake. You need to take it easy..' Armen warns. 'I know...but it hurts! Not just being sore, I'm feeling true pain...' I tell him, while holding the half empty bottle. 'Just promise me you'll take it easy. Let Grayson take care of the potions, ok?' I sigh. '....Yeah ok...Armen?' I call out in my head. 'Yeah?' He asks. 'I...I don't know anymore. Everything is so scrambled up and messed up in my mind that...I just feel like my sanity is starting to slip away..' I explain. I hear a soft sigh. 'Drake...Herobrine took away your soul..I mean he took a lot of things. Not just from you, but from all of us. I know it's hard, and it's probably gonna get harder, but I'm gonna be here.' He encourages. I smile to myself and drink the last half. I get back up and wander around some more. I head outside and look around. I come across two crumbled up papers on the ground. I pick one up and unravel it, sighing.

"Never thought I'd become a wanted man.." I mumble to myself. ''re not technically a "man", you're a teenager....' I scoff. 'You know what I mean.' I hear snickering and shake my head. 'Hello!' And here comes the bickering. 'Oh not you!' 'Well that's rude. I thought we were gonna be lovely roommates.' ' I'd be a roommate with you..' 'That's cold..' 'You're cold.' 'Thanks.'

"What are you doing here Hero.." I grumble. 'Oh! Nicknames now! I guess I'll call Armen dumb, and you dumber!' 'Very funny...' 'I try to be.' 'Drake, can I kill him?' I sigh.

"Just...what do you want?!" I was starting to get irritated. 'Okay...calm down, jeez. Anyways...word on the street says you and your crusade are wanted now.' I started walking around the town so I wouldn't cause a loud enough noise to wake the others.

"Yeah...why?" I ask. ' may have taken on some of my abilities or "powers" and well....they might come in handy.' I can sense a grin playing on his face. I hear a loud chuckle coming from Armen. 'Are you trying to help them?' 'Wha- NO!' His voice rings through my mind and I clutch my head. 'Sounds like it...softy' '...I-...I AM NOT A SOFTY! I CAN DESTROY YOU MORTALS IN A BLINK OF AN EYE!' I fall on my knees and clutch my head even more.

"Agh...could you be any more louder?" I mumble painfully. 'I could but you wouldn't want me to.' He responds. 'So..what about these abilities you were talking about.' Hero scoffs. 'Well...some might invlove morphing, fire, spirit channeling-'

"Woah, what about spirit channeling?" I ask, suddenly curious. ' means you can take spirits or any ghostly life-form and make them into a projection. For example, taking Armen and making him visible to your buddies back there. There's also a dream state ability that can make you or another person go unconcious and be placed in a variety of dream worlds. For you, it would mean that you can go from different dream worlds and actually see us in your head instead of spirit channeling.' He explains. '...woah..'

"Wait...why are you telling me this?" I ask. A dark, menacing laugh echoes. 'I have my reasons...' And his presence disappears. 'That was weird...any idea why he would tell us that?' I shake my head.

"No idea...but it's defiantly nothing good." I say. 'Do you think you coud try out that spirit channeling?'

"I guess I could try...I've regained some stength and mana back." ' the way Herobrine was don't need mana anymore.'

"What?" I ask, shocked. 'Try setting your hand ablaze, and then hold it for a long time. I've heard fire magic is the most mana draining out of all the elements.' I gulp and look at my hand. I gently flick my wrist and my hand becomes ablaze.

"Ah! What the?!" I shout out, terrified of what I just accomplished. 'Drake! You did it!' Armen exclaims excitedly.

"Yeah but....I've never been able to perform fire magic. It was always limited to ender magic." I exclaim. 'Maybe Herobrine was....right. Ugh..I think I died a little inside.'

"The irony in that..." I chuckle. 'Oh shut up! You know what I mean..' He grumbles. I laugh a little more and finally stop.

About fifteen minutes later, my hand was still ablaze.

"Well...this is new." I say and put my hand out. 'Don't have to say that twice. You want to try out the spirit channeling?' He asks intently.

"Okay Okay...but...what do I do?" I ask. 'I don't know...maybe think of me being in the real world?'

"I'll give it a try." I close my eyes and concentrate. I think of Armen like he use to be before he became my conscience.

"Drake." I open my eyes and see Armen's bright, blue eyes again. I smile wide.

"Yeah!" I shout, throwing my hands up into the air. Armen laughs and wanders about.

"You feeling the freedom?" He chuckles a litte.

"Uhh...Yeah!" He says excitedly.

"Come on. The others are gonna love this." I turn to him and smile. He nods and we walk back to the house. Maybe these powers arn't so bad after all.

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