Chapter 19: Grayson's P.O.V

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I did about all I could to keep from sobbing right then and there. Hearing Drake scream like that killed me. I pull him up and let him rest his weight onto me. We walked back to the town. It got completely dark when we made it to the entrance of the town. We made a small little camp and I built a fire. The fire casted a shadow on all of our faces. Drake was completely silent, not touching any food and staring at the ground. Mia looked at me and yawned.

"I'm beat. I'm just gonna go to bed. How about you Luke?" Mia nudges him.

"Huh? Oh...Yeah. I'm gonna go sleep too." They walk off and leave Drake and I alone.

"Drake?" I call to him but he doesn't answer. I sigh and scoot next to him. I pull out the photo and hand it to him. He looks at it and grabs it.

"Keep it. You need the memory more than me." I wrap my arm around him and hug him. He smiles.

"Thanks." His voice is raspy.

"We lived here before the cabin. I found our old house. When I saw the photo I remembered were originally haunted by herobrine." He looks at me.

"What?" He asks.

"I don't know how or why but you were. I got haunted by him beacuse we were connected."

"And Armen got haunted because of Collin..." Drake puts the puzzle together.

"Right.." Drake turns and lays down. He places his head in my lap and looks at the photo again.

"What happened in the flashback?" He asks.

"We were playing hide and seek when you had one of those headaches. The guards of this town came banging on the doors and we had to run to the cabin. That's all I know so far." I answer.

"Oh...okay..." He says and falls asleep. Finally, my eyes begin drooping and I drift off to sleep.

------ DreamWorld ------

"Drake!" I shout out frantically. Mom and dad will kill me if I don't bring him home.

"Drake I'm not playing around this time! Come out!" I yell. I hear the snap of a twig and turn around. I follow the source of the noise and see Drake standing face to face with an enderman.

"DRAKE!" I run up to him and pull him away. We fall into the snow.

"Stay completely still." I whisper to him. He nods and we wait. The creature finally teleports away and we stand up. I glare at him.

"What were you thinking! You can't run off like that!" I growl at him. He slouches down an looks to the ground.

"I'm sowy..." He mumbles. I sigh and hug him.

"Lets just get home." I lead him back to the cabin and we walk inside. We walk into our room and change into pajamas. We run into the kitchen. Mom was at the stove cooking while dad was reading the mail.

"What's for dinner?" I ask.

"Mom's making her famous soup." Dad says excitedly. I look down at Drake and his eyes light up.

"Yay!" We shout at the same time. Mom laughs and looks at us.

"You two go play. Dinner will be a few." She says. We run off and go into our room. I look at Drake and pounce on him.

"Got you!" I shout out. He laughs while attempting to break free. I begin tickling him and he bursts into laughter. He smacks me in the face. Even though it didn't hurt, I pretended that it hurt me and I roll over on my back, covering my face. Drake stops laughing and walks up to me.

"Gwayson?" He calls out. I fling my hands up and tackle him again.

"Rawr!!" I yell at him. He screams out and we wrestle again.

"Kids! Be careful!" I hear dad call out.

"Yes sir!" I respond. We continue to rough house when suddenly Drake stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He stands up and stares at the corner of the room. He points.

"Don't you see him?" He aks.

"No.." I answer looking around. He suddenly backs away and tears begin to stream down his face.

"No....NO! STAY AWAY!" He screams out. I could'nt see my target but I stood in front of Drake.

"Go away!" I demand the invisible being. I suddenly begin to feel weightless. I look down and see that I am floating in mid air. I feel pressure around my neck and try to break free. I'm thrown to the side and I hit a wall. My vision blurrs and I see Drake being lifted up. He starts screaming and crieing.

"GWAYSON!" He cries out, keeping his eyes closed. I try to get up but I fall back down. The door bursts open and mom and dad come running in. Mom crouches next to me.

"I'm fine.." I mumble and push her hand away. Dad takes out a sword and slashes through the air. Drake falls to floor. Dad walks over to him but he gets up and runs over to me. He wraps his arms around me and sobs into my shirt.

"It's okay.." I tell him. He sobs harder and I let him lie there until he falls asleep. I knew there that I was never letting him go again.

------ Reality ------

I wake up in a cold sweat. I look down and see Drake still asleep on my lap.

"A promise is a promise.." I mumble to him. I lay back down and fall asleep.

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