An Unexpected change 31

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I woke up to find myself in a white room that I did not recognise. My head was throbbing uncontrolably. I had no idea what had happened before. I was lost.

I sat stairing at the celing for ages contemplating what had happened and where I am. I had three options:

1. I was dreaming. Only problem with that one is that it seemed really real to me and I couldn't wake myself up.

2. I was crazy. Something I already knew and is a good possibilty but it still doesn't explain what happened.

3.I was dead. I had always hoped that when I died I would be greated by angels and stuff so if I was dead ,what a disapointment!

The door creaked open breaking my focus of inventing theories and I sat up to get a better view hoping to proove one of my theories. An old woman dressed as a nun walked into my room.

I decided to get straight to the point.

"Am I dead?" I asked the woman, unsure of any other reasonable explanation. Even though I thought that in heaven there was angels not nuns but you never know. Come to think of it I always did wounder where the idea of people with wings came from.

"No dearey" The old woman reassured me trying to hold in a giggle.

"So whats up with all the, well, whiteness?" I enquired.

"Well at S.T Agnes we believe in living life simply which brings peace to the soul." she told me.

I raised my left eyebrow." Ok I know I went to a Catholic school in England but this is just taking the mick."

"No. There has been no mick taken." The nun explained. How adorable!

"Wow so the witch actually got me here." I said in a surprised tone.

"There has been no witch. You were carried in because you were sleeping."

"Ok. So what now?" I asked

"Put this on" she said she threw a pile of clothes at me "and here is your schedual and map, you class starts in half an hour." Then she walked out of my room.

I stared at the wall hoping that this was some crazy movie. Or it was a prank gone wrong. How on earth did I end up in a school for nuns? I mean I didn't even know they existed until now. I unraveled the pile of clothes and got changed into a long black dress with black tights and black shoes and a black tea towel type thing to go over my head.  There were no mirrors so I couldn't see what I looked like but I imagined I would look like a goth with all this black. I grabbed my map and schedual and headed off to my first class.

I wandered up and down hallways looking for my class but I was so confused. All the halways looked the same. They were like hogwarts except for there was no one around. I couldn't find anyone to stop and ask for directions. After an hour I gave up and sat down trying to make some sense of the map I was given. I turned the map round and round but nothing. I had no idea where I was or where I had to go.

"Excuse me young lady. What do you think you are doing skipping class?" A stern voice asked me.

"I am not skipping class I am lost, I am a new pupil you see and I have no idea where I am going." I replied.

"Ma'am" she corrected me.

"I don't know where I am going Ma'am"

"Well you should. There are no excuses for being late."

"But Ma'am I don't.."

"I said there are no excuses" she interupted me raising her voice. "Come with me" she grabbed my arm and draged me down corridors. Her grip on my arm was firm and there was no way of struggeling out of her iron grip.

She threw open a door to reveal a dark room. She threw me inside and before I could do anything she closed the door and I heard the click as he door locked.

What on earth is wrong with this place? Is all I could think of but I knew straight away that I had to get out of here no matter what.


I would like to know ideas for escape tactics!

Thanks for all the comments and votes!!! I am climbing up the watty awards list so I would be really greatful if you would continue supporting me. Sorry this chapter is boring but I had writers block but I will try and make the next chapter better!

Let me know what you think

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