An Unexpected Change 39

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I have uploaded really quickly so please do me a big favour and comment for me!! :D


I woke up to misery business being blasted into my ear almost deafing me because I fell asleep on my Ipod. I looked at the time 7:30.

"Urghhhh Becky get your bum out of bed." I shouted. I turned around to see her still fast asleep. I grabbed my union jack cusion and threw it at her head. She raised her head and forced her eyes open. "Yo dude we got school so stop sleeping."

"Yer thanks for waking me up but maybe next time be nicer." she moaned.

"I called you but you were fast asleep so it isn't my fault that throwing things at you are the only way you will wake up."

"Whatever just get up Teri."

I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. After I was cleaned up I walked into the wardrobe as Becky walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a chequered shirt and then I put on a cream top and my shorts because it was boiling outside. I grabbed my colourful high-tops and finished the look off with my big heart necklace. My hair was curly and I was just too lazy to fix it.

Whilst I waited for Becky I decided to pick out some stuff for her to wear. We were very lucky that we both were the same clothes size so our closet was more of a mass closet then separate one. I pulled out a pair of shorts and a really cool pink top. She could go for the more girly look where as I was more rock chic look because of my agressiveness. She walked out and without questioning me changed into the clothes I put on her bed. She put on a pair of converses and we grabbed our sunglasses on the way to get food.

We hopped into the elevator which I must admit is still really cool! The smell of bacon emanated from the kitchens making my stomach rumble. Becky laughed and spent the rest of the elevator ride poking my stomach.

Again we walked to get our food and everyone stared but unlike yesterday, today we walked straight over to the table in the corner where Lee was already sat.

"Morning ladies." Lee called before we even arrived at the table.

"Morning Lee." Me and Becky said at the same time.

"You girls seem up nice and early bet you can't wait for another fun day at school." Lee asked sarcastically.

"Look at my face." I said pointing to my emotionless face. "Does this face look excited?" I asked.

"Yes you look so excited you are about to wet yourself." Lee retorted.

"Yes does the little girl need a nappy?" A screeching voice asked.

I turned around to find the blonde chick standing behind me.

"Hahahahaah." I started to laugh. My laugh stopped "No!" I yelled with my face turned to an emotionless mask. "How about you take a breath mint before you talk to me next time."

"You know you could be cool if you ditched these losers." she claimed.

"You know you would be cool if you had a face transplant and a lobotomy. Oh no you still wouldn't be. P.S call my friend losers again and you will get to meet Betsy. Trust me you don't want to meet Betsy." I threatened.

She tried to open her mouth again but I interuppted. "Breath mint first."

She hiffed but gave up and walked off. I was bitting into my bacon when I noticed that Becks and Lee were staring at me. I froze like a deer in headlights

"What you doin?" I asked

"I have never seen anyone stand up to Rachel before." Becky explained.

"Well get used to it guys cause there is a whole lot more comming her way and you as my wingmen have got to do the same my chums." I stated.

"Sounds like fun!" Lee responded.

"Fun." Becky added but she didn't seem to think so.

A bell rang in the hall. "Whats that for?" I questioned.

"It means that there is five minuets before lesson starts which means we need to go." Becky replied urgently.

"Oh so I guess you hate being late for class then?" I responded.

"Yes come on." she urged me.

"Urgh but I want my bacon!" I moaned.

"Leave it" Becky said her voice becoming more impatient."

I stood with my mouth open. "You don't waste bacon! ever!" I grabbed my bacon and Becks was dragging me out the door as I turned and yelled " In a bit Lee."

" I'm coming with you." He replied.

"Oh ok then can you please get this crazy lady off my arm?" I requested.

"I am not a crazy lady!" Becks yelled as she dragged me down mulitiple corridors.

"You wanted me to leave bacon! That makes you a crazy lady!" I explained.

At that moment Becks dragged me through the door into a lab and the teacher and the few students in there turned around to stare at me.

"Eyes off my bacon!" I threatened.


Another chapter!! wow 3 chapters in as many days and they are long ones as well! think of the effort i put into writtin these parts and what little effort it is to write a small comment.

Please comment!!

love you loads if you do!!

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