An Unexpected Change 48

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This is a short chapter but I felt that I needed to end it where I did but I will try to make the next chapter longer.

I don't know how many chapters are left because I said i would write 50 overall but I think I will need more than that because as I near the end of the book the end keeps changing. The thing that I haven't worked out yet is what will happen between Teri and Jace so let me know what you want to happen between them.


Everyone was silent and that is when the principle took his chance to leave. I chased after him. "This school is not closing." I yelled at him.

He turned to face me. "I have no choice." He whispered.

"Yes we do. We fight." I told him

"How?" I could see he had already given up.

"We get our own money. Don't tell me the rich kids parents don't have a few notes spare. All we have to do is get them to part with it."

"How?" This time he was intrigued to hear me plan.

"Many ways but first a huge show full of singers, dancers, musicians and comedians if we have any."

"Sounds like a plan. I will call an assembly tomorrow morning and we will get this sorted." He explained. "And Teri?"


"Thanks. I owe you." He walked back to his office and I walked back to the party.

I walked through the crowds who were now stood still and they were discussing their concerns. The party was officially over so I decided to go up on stage and get this party started.

"Guys." I yelled. People were still talking. " Oi shut up." Everyone fell silent. "I can tell you now that this school is not closing. We are going to fight for it. Everything will be explained in the morning so for now lets get back to the party!"

I climbed down from the stage to try and find Lee and Becks. I pushed through the crowd that were now back to dancing with no luck. I decided that I would go and sit on the top table for a bit and see if I can get a better view.

I walked up the steps to see Rachel and Jace sat on the top table. They seemed to be having an intense discussion. I carried on walking towards them. I don't back down. Rachel caught me eye then leapt on Jace and started kissing him. I felt a stab in my heart. Why was I feeling this?

Then it all clicked I had fallen for Jace with out even knowing it. I was in love with Jace and he didn't love me.

I couldn't look it hurt too much. I was so angry at Rachel for kissing him. So angry at him for kissing her back and playing games with my heart. I was so angry at myself for falling in love again. After all I had been through surely I had learnt my lesson. I turned around and walked down the steps. I held in all of the tears. I would not cry especially not in front of people. I shoved any one in my way. I turned the corner and I was out view from the party. I started running whilst my tears did the same. I acted like I was tough, untouchable but the painful truth is no matter how you act, no matter how hard you push people away there will always be one person who will find a way through the façade and they alone hold the power to crush you and there is nothing you can do about it.

I ran through the dorm building to my room not careing if anyone saw me. I just didn't care anymore. My image wasn't important. My heart was.

I slammed the door to my dorm. Lee and Becks were sat on the sofa and they turned to me.

"I love him." Were the only words I could force out of me and even those where whispers. I sank to the floor not knowing what else to do. They both ran over to me and hugged me. They just sat silently on the floor whilst my broken sobs escaped uncontrollably.


Ok so sma eas always PLEASE comment for me and it would be nice to get more than 2 or 3 votes on this chapter but I will upload anyway.

Once the book is finished I will go through it all and edit it so don't worry about mistakes too much they will be sorted.



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