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* Flashback *

"I can't believe it." I said with tears in my eyes , "you're finally here." I cooed at my little baby in my arms.

"He's perfect." Melissa chimed in.

"I know" I said, not knowing what else to say.

"You'll be a great mommy, Samantha" Sydney announced.

"And you two will make great aunts. Even though you aren't my sisters, I feel like we are. You are the best friends ever."

"What are you going to name him, miss?" a nurse asked. I was expecting a girl so I had a name picked out, but, to my surprise I had a boy. I wasn't upset. I actually wanted a boy. But, I never picked a name. I had a few in mind, but I wasn't positive. "Hmmm", I said looking at my bundle of joy, "What do you guys think about the name..." I trailed off while thinking about it. "Hunter" I said , "Hunter Daniel."

"BEAUTIFUL" Melissa and Sydney cheered.

"SHH! Hunters sleeping." I scream whispered. As I looked at him, reality hit me. He, Sydney, and Melissa were my only family. I guess I deserve it for having a baby at 18.

But, it's not the worst case. At least I'm not 16 and on MTV.

* End of Flashback *

It's now the beginning of October and Hunter is a month old. He is still so tiny. I just want to eat him up! He is the cutest little peanut too. He has light brown hair that you can barley see. His tiny hands and feet are too cute. And his eyes are crystal blue. You can almost see the ocean in them. Too cute! Mel, Syd Hunter, and I are now at Babies R Us. We are getting him a Halloween costume. We originally got him a princess costume (Because he was supposed to be a girl). We all still joke about it. As we are walking towards the costumes, we hear yelling.





"Guys, chill out. Just let HER choose the costume."

"Zayn! She's ONE!"

"So..." Syd, Mel, and I just laughed at their conversation. We headed to the costumes. Those boys were still arguing. They look pretty familiar. Maybe I saw them on the news? Eh, whatever. I go up to the rack and immediately see an adorable costume. I pull it off the rack.

"Hey guys," I say holding up the tiny costume, " Hunter should be a firefighter!" I say enthusiastically.

"YESSS!" The girls both yell. We start to walk away when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I say to a blonde boy.

"Hi" He says simply , "Im Niall." Niall? I think. WAIT!

"Niall? Niall Horan??" I ask

"Yup" He said popping the 'p' "So... how are you" he said nervously.

"Uhm, fine... I guess" I reply

"NIALL! THAT'S NO WAY TO PICK UP CHICKS!" a curly haired boy said. "You gotta do it like this!" He said walking up to Sydney.

"How YOU doin." He said to her, winking.

"Uhmm..." She said. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it. Her face was priceless. Niall tried talking to me again but Hunter was getting antsy.

"Im sorry, I-I gotta go." I said walking away.

"WAIT" Niall called , "Call me?" He handed me a piece of paper with his name and number on it. Hunter started to wail so I ran off. I felt bad leaving Niall, but Hunter is my priority. Maybe, Ill call him later.

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