Chapter 16

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--Fast Forward to Friday morning--

Today is the day of Hunter's first chemo session. Hunter is still asleep, but Niall and I are up eating breakfast. We sat at the round table in the kitchen. Niall made eggs for us.

"What time is the appointment?" Niall asked, putting a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

"Its at 10." I say, looking at the clock "we have 4 hpurs until then."

"Ok." Niall said, "and when do you get your cast off?"

"Uhm, I think Wednesday."

"Isn't that Hunter's next chemo?"

"Yea. I planned it so I would get it off before his treatment."

"Good idea." Niall said picking up his cup and taking a sip of orange juice. Just then, Hunter started crying. I stood up and walked ot his room. When I got to the door I opend it up and poked my head in the door.

"Morning Hunter." I say cheerfully, walking to the crib. "Howd you sleep?" I say picking him up. I walk over to his changing table and strap him in. I pull out an outfit form his dresser and then get a clean diaper. I change his diaper and get him dressed. I then picked him up and walked out into the kitchen. I handed him to Niall and grabbed a bottle from the fridge. I then heated it up and went to take Hunter from him.

"Can I feed him?" Niall asked.

"Sure." I say, "Do you mind if I go get read? And I have to go wake up Tweddle Dee and Dum."

"Sure, I can handle him." Niall says standing up. He takes Hunter into the living room to feed him. I walk down the hall and go to Melissa's room first. I open the door and walk to her bed.

"Mel," I say nudging her ," you gotta get up. I need you to come to the hospital with us today. Remember?"

"Yea I rember." Melissa says sitting up , "Can you make me tea?"

"I already have water on the stove."

"THanks" she says, " Ill be out in five."

"Ok." I say walking out in to the hall and then in Sydney's room.

 When I open the door, I realize that  shes not in bed.

"Syd?" I call out and then, she pops out of her closet.

"Morning!" She says cheerfully, "Ive been up. Can you make me tea?"

"Melissa asked the same thing. You two must have teleconesis (idk how to spell that sorry)"

"Well," she says pulling an outfit out of her closet, "great minds think alike."

"More like insane minds think alike." I say closing the door. I walk back into the living room. Niall finished feeding Hunter and now he is burping him.

"Thanks Niall." I say pecking his forehead and then sitting on the couch next to him. Hunter burps and then Niall puts him on his lap.

"Sam?" Niall says looking at me, "you seem off today. Is everything okay?"

"No." I say , "Honestly, I am terrified for Hunter. What if it hurts him and what if something goes wrong?"

"Everything will be fine babe. I promise." He squeezes my hand. I take Hunter from him so Niall can get dressed. He keeps clothes here because hes here so often. Tonight, Hunter and I are actually staying at his flat because Melissa and Sydney have dates. Those two weirdos really bonded with Louis and Harry at the hospital that night. So, Sydney and Harry and Melissa and Louis are going on a double date. Niall comes out of my room ten minutes later. Its now 7:30 and the appointment is at 10.

"Samantha," Niall says to me, "I have something planned for us after the chemo treatment." He grings.

"Oh really?" I giggle , "like what?"

"Well, first, we are going to go to Nandos for lunch. Then, we are going to meet Liam and Zayn at the mall, after that we will go back to my house!"

"Sounds good!" I say smiling. Sydney and Melissa walk into the living room with their tea. Melissa takes the love seat and then Sydney sits on the couch. They sip their tea simultaneously, it was really creepy. We all small talked until Syd and Mel finished their tea. Its now 8:30. We decide to leave to go to the hospital because its a children's hospital an hour away from here. Everyone puts on their shoes and we all pile into Niall's car. The ride felkt very long and me being nervous didn't make it any better. When we finally got there, we went straight to the pediatric cancer center. To my surprise, there were other kids who were going through the same thing as Hunter. It broke my heart. I was looking around and I realized that Hunter was most likley the youngest. All the other kids looked like they were one and up. We sat in the waiting room silent for a half hour. Then, the nurse called us in. I don't know what to expect. I stand up slowly and walk twoards the door. THe nurse puts us in a room.

"Ma'am" I ask ," How does this all work?"

"Well," she said ,"there are different ways. You can either get it injuected to the place where the cancer is." Then I think, Hunter would be in so much pain if the gave him a shot in his bone. "You can get it injected in the flabby part of his body." That wouldprobably hurt less. "Or you can get an IV in his arm so It goes straight into his blood stream. THe doctor will come in and help you decide on how you would like to do it." She walks out and closes the door.

"So, uh," I say in general, "What do you think would be most effective, but hurt the least?"

"I don't know." Sydeny said sympathetically.

"Id wait for the doctor's advice." Niall said looking me straight into my eyes.

"Good idea." I say. We all sat there looking at Hunter who was oblivious of what was going on. A few minutes later, a doctor walked into the room.

"Hello." He said as he washed his hands. "Im Dr.Clarke, but you can call me doctor C. Nice to meet you." He says reaching oiut and shaking everyones hand. HE then looks at Hunter.

"THis must be Hunter." he says tickiling his foot. Hunter giggles softly. "Seem like a very happy boy."

"He is." I say.

"So," Dr.C says, "I know this is hard at first, but things will hopefully get better. Now, lets talk about how you want to carry out  the treatments."

"Well, I just want it to be effective and as comfortable as possible."

"Well, no matter how you do it, it has the same effect. So, I think the easiest way for him now would be an IV. He will just feel a prick and then he will be done. Well, not done, but done with the pain."

"Ok." I say.

"Ill be back in 10 minutes with the equiptment and then we will star Session 1." He left the room. But before leaving, he pulled one of the metal cribs in the room. But this crib was different. It was more like a table with 6 inch bars growing out of it. I laid Hunter down in the crib. He was asleep. I grabbed his blankie and his stuffed elephant and laid it down with him. Nothing happened when we were waiting for the doctor. We were all quiet because we had nothing to say. We were all just worried. Then, the doctor came in with a cart that had the medicine and the IV.

"Are you ready?" HE said as he walked in the room. No, i thouhg. Im not ready. Neither is Hunter... but it has to happen... or I don't want to know what happens. THe doctor takes out the needle and I hold Hunter's hand. He has no idea what hes in for, and neither do I.

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