Chapter 3

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Hey guss :) thanks for reading :P ahahah please voteee :D thankss :)


So today is the day of my date with Niall. I woke up early because Hunter woke up at 6. I usally get up at 8 with him. Weird how he woke up so early today. But Im actually pretty nervous about this date. First off, because hes pretty famous, and second, because i cannot ice skate. I really hope thigs go well. 

*Fast Forward until date*


     "Ok!" I said walking out into the living room. I had Hunter in my arms. I was afraid of leaving him. Its going to be the first time since he was born. Niall was waiting in there for me.  

   "Ready to go love?" He asked. I nodded.

"I love you Hunter." I said as I kissed my son's forehead. 

    "Well take of care of him." Melissa said taking him into her arms. 

"I know you will.' 

    "Make sure shes home by 10 Mr.Horan. " Sydney said, "Or your head, IS MINE!" We all laughed, but, I think she was serious. She is so weird. Niall grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. He opened the door and motioned me in. Hes such a gentelman.

    "So,"he said , "are you excited?" 

"I guess" I mumbled. 

    "Wait, are you not okay with going?" On the inside i said yes , but on the outside I said ,

"No , its fine" 

   "Somethigns bothering you, babe. Please tell me." 

"I-Im just nervous about leaving Hunter." I half lied. I was worried about him, but I was also afraid I was going to epicly fail at ice skating.

    "He will be just fine Trust me." He gave me a loving look. We small talked until we got to the rink.

"Ready?" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the car. I nodded and we walked into the rink. We got our sketes and put them on. 

   "Here, let me hlp you." he said taking my laces and tying them up. Then, music started playing. I remember coming here last time with Sydney and Meliss, before I had Hunter. They dj play a lot of songs during the night. It was so much fun, until I fell and had to get stiches, yay. Niall took my hand and I wobbled onto the ice. As they always say, the first stepis a doosy, and I slid and nearly fell, but Ni caught me.

  "Be careful." he giggled. I took another small step oto the ice and grippedhis hand. This is a lot harder than people make it seem. I finally got to the middle of the ice, after 10 mins. Then, the dj played a slow song. Oh god. 

   "Take me hand, I got you" Niall said. He put his hand into mine and help it tight. Then, he put one arm around my waist. We slowly skated together, and surprisingly , I didn't fall.

    "You did great!" He proclaimed after the song was over. 

Uh-Um yea." I stuttered , "thanks."

"ATTENTION SKATERS" , a loud noise projected in the arena ,"PLEASE GET OFF THE ICE SO THE ZAMBONIE CAN CLEAN THE ICE!" Niall helped me off the ice and we went into the area outside the ice. 

   "Hey Ni, "I said ,"Im going to use the bathroom."

"Bee back soon love" he replied. I ran into the bathroom and called Sydney and Melissa. 

*Talking on the phone*

Me(M)-Hey guys!

Syd&Melissa(SM)- OMG SAMMM!

M- Hows Hunt?

SM -great! Little boogers asleep now!

M- since when is my son a booger!

SM- So hows it going??

M- Awesome! We slow dances. er- slow ice skated i guess

SM - aweeehhhh

M- I gotta go, byiee


*Off the phone*

Niall and I went back onto the rink and skated for a long time at the end of the skate I was skating out of the rink. Some guy was rushing out and nocked my over. 

   "OW!" I cried. I landed on my ankel. 

"SAM!" Niall yelled ," ARE YOU OKAY! Let me help you up."

"O-ok" I said trying to get up. "Ow Ni! I can't it hurts too much!"

    "Im going to take you to the hospital! We need to go NOW!" Niall picked me up and ran me to his car. 

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