Chapter 29

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I called Sydney and Melissa and told them the news. At first, they were both upset, but then I reminded them that we will be with them during the whole tour. Niall flew out to Ireland this morning. When he got there (it was really late here), he sent me a picture of him next to the house. It was beautiful and I can't wait until we get to move in. The few days before Hunter, Mouse, and I flew out to Ireland, I spent time with Sydney and Melissa. I really am going to miss them, but we will be on tour with the boys in only 2 months. Plus, I can video chat with them all the time. The mornig of our flight to the new house, I woke up at 4. I didn't bother waking Hunter up. I just put him in his car seat. Liam drove us to the airport. Before I borded the plane with Hunter, Liam gave me a huge hug.

"Ill miss you, Liam. And thanks for everything youve done for us."

"Its the least I can do. And call me! See ya in two months!" He said, then I borded the plane. The flight took atleast 8 hours. It was horrible. Hunter, was surprisingly well, but I don't do good on airplanes. When we finally landed, I met Niall at the airport. I ran up to him with Hunter in my arms.

"I missed you Ni!" I said and he hugged Hunter and I.

"I missed you guys so much! Look." He said as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket. He opened it and their was a picture of Hunter and I in the front.

"Awehh." I said and He took Hunter out of my arms.

"And you, Hunter; I missed you the most! Even more than mommy." He winked and then I nearly cried at what heppened next.

"da..." Hunter said," dada!" He said and he clapped his hands. "Dada! Dada!"

"Oh my god!" I screamed, "your talking! you said Dada!" Niall put on a huge smile.

"He thinks Im Dada." He smiled, "Im Dada!" He laughed and hugged Hunter really tight.

"Well, of corse your his Dada, youve been with us since he was 3 months old. He loves you and so do I." Niall kisses me and Hunter laughs.

"Ive always wanted to be a dad." Niall says, and we walk away and get our bags. Then, we got Mouse and headed out to the car. Niall put Hunter in his carseat and I climbed in the driver seat.

"Sam," Niall asked, "what are you doing?"

"Oh my god, Im so stupid." I climbed out of the car and got in the passenger side. I forgot the steering wheel is on the right in Ireland.

"How far are we rom the house?" I ask Niall, who started pulling out of the parking lot.

"Not far, its just out of Dublin." I nodded and we drove away. I was amazed at how pretty this place was. I meanm Ive seen pictures of it, but this, this is way better. We drove through the center of Dublin and then we got into a nice little town.

"Close your eyes." Niall said handing me a bandana. I tied it around my eyes, excited to see the house.

"Are we here yet?" I asked, vey impatiently. Niall didn't answer. Then, the car stopped.

"Stay here." he said and I heard him get out of the car. Then, I hear him take Hunter out of the backseat. HE closes that door and then comes to my door, opens it, and directs me out.

"Take the blindfold off." He said and my jaw dropped when I saw the house. It.Was.Beautiful.

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