Chapter 24

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When we leave Sydney a nd Melissa's, we go to the doctor for Hunter. He is getting a blood test to see is he needs to change the dose of chemo he needs. When we get there, the wait is especially long. The nurse said it was because the doctor was in late because of traffic. So, we sat there for an hour.

"Hunter?" says a nurse and we stand up. "FOllow me." she says guesturing us through a hallway. we walk to the end of the hallway and she leds us into a room. "Dr.C will be in soon. SOrry for the inconvenience. Would you mind puting Hunter in this?" She hands me a miniature paper gown.

"No problem." Niall says taking Hunter from me. The nurse walks out of the room and Niall puts Hunter down on the elevated table. He opulls off his shirt, then his pants. He slips the gown over his head and then picks him up again. We wait in the room for another half hour, and then the doctor knocks on the door.

"Come in." Niall says, and the doctor walks in.

"Why hello there Hunter." He says hugging him, "may I?" He asks extending his arms.

"Sure." I say and Niall hands Hunter to Dr.C. Hunter giggles and the doctor lays him down on the scale.

"How heavy was he last time you had him weighed?"

"Well," I think out loud, "we had him here when he was about 4 months and now he is 9 months. So, he was probably 13 lbs." THe doctor nods his head and messes with the scake.

"Well," he saud chuckiling, "Hunter has gained about five pounds and is 18.5! He is a little under the charts for weight but its probabky becuase of the chemo."

"But he is okay. Right?" I ask cautiously.

"We will find out after the blood tests come back." I nod and he goes to the cabinet. He pulls out a needle and a swab. He cleans the top part of Hunters arm.

"Niall," he asks, "do you mind holding Hunter while I exttract the sample." Niall getas a confused look on his face." Hold Hunter while I get the blood." Dr.C dumbs it down for him and I laugh. Niall picks Hunt up and the doctor pokes him with the needle. He whines a bit but then settles down. A few moments later, the doctor finishes what he is doing and puts an elmo band-aid on Hunters arm. Nial kisses the top of Hunter's head and then redresses him.

"Samantha," Dr.C says, "The tests will be in arounds 6:30. And if we get them in sooner we will call you."

"Thank you." I say as I shake his hand. I walk out the door and meet Niall who is in the car mwith Hunter.

"What did he say?" Niall asks. I climbed in the car.

"The test will be in a 6:30 the latest.: I pull the seatbelt and buckle it in. "Lets go home. Its 3 now and I want Hunter to nap for at leatst 2 hours before tonight." So, with that, we drive home. As we pull into the parking garage, I notice that there are construction trucks scattered everywhere. Then I remember, we have until Monday to move out. I don't even know where we are going to go. I know Ni said we could stay at one of his friends' houses' for a while, but where do we go after that/

"Hey Ni?" I ask quietly.

"Yea, hun?"

"Where are we gonna go. I mean, after we move out. I don't think we can stay at your friend's house forever."

"Uhm, I don't know babe." He scratches his head. "How about we go looking for a place soon."

"Sounds good babe." I say. Niall pulls into our parking spot and turns the car off. We jump out, grab Hunter and walk to the elevator. We take it up to our floor and we walk to the room. Niall takes out the keys and then unlocks the door.

"After you fair maiden." He says and I laugh. I walk in and place Hunter in th.e pack-n-play. I put my things down and take off my shoes.

"Babe, go shower. Ill put Hunter to sleep." Niall says.

"Ok. Thanks." I say as I kiss Hunter. I then walk over to Niall and kiss him too. I go into the bathroom and turn on the water. I peel off my shirt, pants, and my under garments. I step in the shower ad soak myslef. I take my coconut shampoo and lather my hair. Then, I rinse it outl I do the same with mny conditoner. I wash my body, thhen shave. I took atleast a half hour shower. I get out and wrap myslef in a towel. I put my hair up in a towel and take out my face wash. I wet my face and lather it with my wash. I rinse it off and pat my face dry. Then, I walk out of the bathroom and into my room. Niall is still with Hunter in Hunt's room. I pull out my lazy clothes and put them on. I still have 3 hours to get ready and I don't take much time. I go into the kitchen and make myslef iced coffee. My favorite, yum. Niall comes out of Hunters room and I hand him the coffe I made for him.

"Thanks babe." He says taking the coffee from me. "Im gonna shower once I finish it."

"Smells like a great idea." I tease and we both laugh. Once we are done, Niall goes into the shower and I go to get ready. I get out a simple floral dress from my closet and put it on. Then, I dry my hair out. As Im doing that. Niall walks into the room with a towel around his waist. Water dropplets are dripping down  his chest. Ive never realized how buff he is. Wow. IVe been dating him for how long? Ive realized it before but now I realize that he is even more perfect.

"Sorry," he says, "forgot my clothes." H egrabs them and heads out the door. I finish getting ready, adn then, I wake Hunter up and get him dressed. Niall finishes too and we all sit in the living room. Its almost 6:30 and the doctor still hasn't called. Im getting nervous. I am constantly checking the clock. And then, at 6:29, I got the call I will never forget.

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