Chapter 6

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So Niall and I drove back to my house and when we got there it was about 1 am. I was so exausted.

"SAMMMMMMM!" I heard and I turned my head to see those two iditots I have as friends. Before I could open the door to the car, they were already there.

"Sammy Sam Sam!" Sydney screached, "We missed you!"

"Yeah!" , Mel replied, " and I had to change a crappy diaper!" She frowned and then we all laughed. Niall was sitting there laughing too.

"And Mr.Horan!" Sydney scolded, " I told you to have her home by 10! Did I not?" Niall put this puppy look on his face.

"Sorry Sydney," he said pushing his bottom lip out, " Blame the docotor who took forever." Sydney pretended to slap Ni in the face. Ni was ab out to get into his car but  I stopped him.

"Hey Ni," I said, "do you uhm wanna, i don't know, uh, stay here tonight? Its pretty late and uh.."

"Sure!" He replied. We all walked inside and Niall helped me to the door. Immediatly I went up into Hunter's room. My crutches were really loud so I left them outside in the hall. I limped over to my son's crib. I picked him up and grabbed a bottle. I carried him over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I slowly rocked him in my arms and sang to him. "Hush little Hunter don't say a word..." I finshede ethe song and put him back into his crib. I kissed his forehead and hobbled out into the hall. I shut his door and got back on my crutches. When I got into the living room, Niall, Mel, and Syd were sitting in a circle on the floor, deep in coversation, They didn't see me so I stayed in the hall and listened to them.

"Niall," Sydney whispered," Just so you know, Sam has been having trouble latley." His face dropped.

"With what?" he asked.
"Well," Mel added," Shes been getting a lot of calls from her ex lately.

"Hunters dad?" Niall asked.

"Yea, and hes been threatening to take Hunter." Sydney said. It was true. My ex boyfriend, Mason, has been calling a lot. Ive blocked his number, but he always finds a way to call. The three whispered some more. I decide to go into the room now.

"Hey Sammy!" They all said with fake smiles plastered onto their faces.

:So," I said sitting on the cough, "Wacha talking about?"

"Uh, nothing." Sydney quickly replied.

"So uh," Mel changed the subject," Niall, do you have any clothes in your car or do you want me to go find somethign for you to wear?"

"I think I may have some clothes in my car. Let me check." Ni stood up and walkede out the door. He came back a few minuets later with a t-shirt and sweats.

"Im gonna go put these on," He said going twoards the bathroom. I decide to get mine on too. I went to my room and grabbed my unicorn pants and a t-shirt. When I came back down, Syd and Mel were passed out on the floor. Those two always  fall asleep! I put a blanket over them and then I went to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and sat at the counter, Ni came out of the bathroom and sat next to me. He put his arm around his waist and kissed my cheek.

"Ni," I said pulling away, " we don't have a spare room. Uh, let me think where you can sleep. Idsay the living room but Mel and Syd are there. Uh, you could maybe sleep in my room?" I looked at him for a reply.

"If its okay with you." He smirked.

"Yea, its fine." I smiled and headed down the hall to my room. Niall followed. I climed into the large queen bed and Ni got in behind me. It was so weird ahving someone sleep in my bed with me. I felt comforted thoug, I amlost felt, protected.  Niall and my legs intertwined and he held my hand. He was so cute.

"Goodnight love." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight Ni." I said closing my eyes. I think Im in love.


BWAAAA Chpt.6 donee! ahhahaha I wasn't gonna write it but someone *cough cough my two annoying friends who are reading this chough cough* ( i think i may be getting sick)  was yelling at me at lunch to write more :P Well, thats it. OHHH and I want to say that the people in  Boston who were affected today, my prayes go out to you<3 *kisses* BYIEEEE

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