Chapter 10

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After the hospital, I was expecting to got home. But, Niall said he was taking me and Hunter to meet a few of his friends. I guess Im excited, but I am extremly shy. Well,weve been driving for about 10 minutes now.

"So," I said to Niall looking out the window, "who are we gonna see?"

"I told you." HE said smirking, " A few of my friends."

"Can you be more specific?" I asked.

""Fine," He said pulling up to a stop sign, "Im taking you and Hunter to meet my bandmates. We are doing an interview and I want the world to know your mine." I felt happy tears fill my eyes.

"Y-you do?"

"Of corse. You are my princess and Hunter is my prince." He looked at me and then to Hunter who was sound asleep in the back seat.

"B-but Ni..." I said trailing off.

"Whats the matter, babe?"

"I don't think I can."

"What?" He said, his face dropped.

"I-I uh.. how many people are going to be there? And d-did you sat the world?"

"Oh crap. Babe! Im so sorry. I completly forgot about your shyness. But I promise everything will be okay. Trust me. I love you." He kissed my forehead and before I knew it, we were at the studio. I jumped out of the car and hobbled to Hunters door. I picked him up out of his carseat and we walked inside. I handed Hunter to Niall because I still wasn't used to walking on my cast. I hope I don't fall on stage. And what if people judge me for being so young and having a son? Oh god, Im so nervous!


Hey guys. SOrry this is a short chapter but I was at the gym and I came home and I drank Camomelle(IDK how to spell it) tea and now Im sleepy :P bllaaa anbywayss, goodnight :D

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