Chapter 19

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The next morning I wake up to an empty bed. I look at the clock. 9:00. Hunter is probably up. I walk out of Niall's room and into Hunter's room at Niall's place. I peer in through the door to see Niall sitting on the floor with Hunter on his lap. He is singing Everything about you to him. Niall finishes and I walk in.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning babe." Niall says standing up with Hunter in his arms. He pecks my lips. I take Hunter out of Niall's arms and kiss his cheek. He giggles.

"Did he eat yet?"

"Yup, and I changed him and his clothes are already out."

"Niall, youre the best. I love you." I hug Niall and walk into the kitchen.

"I made you tea." Niall says taking a mug out of the microwave. , "I tried to keep it warm for you." I take the cup and take a sip.

"Mmm. Its perfect." I say, "now, go get dressed, Melissa and Sydney want me home by noon."

"Ok." He says smirking. He walks to his room. He comes out a few minutes later.

"Your turn." He says picking Hunter up out of my hands. I walk to the bedroom and get dressed. I come out with all my stuff and Hunter's diaper bag. Niall got Hunter dressed for me.

"Ready to go?" I ask tossing him the keys.

"Yup!" he says popping the 'p'. We walk out the door and get in the car.

--skip to when we get to my house--

When we pull up to the house I see there is an extra car in the driveway. I don't know whos it is.

"Ni," I ask, "do you know whos car that is?"

"I think its Harry's." Then I remember, Sydney and Melissa had dates yesterday. I walk in the door to see Sydney sitting on Harry's lap and Melissa on Louis' lap.

"Sammy!" Melissa yelled.

"Hunter!" Sydney chimes in.

"Niall!" Harry and Louis exclaim. They all get up and hug us.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Niall asks.

"Nothing." Everyone replied. We all laughed and spent the day doing nothing but watching tv and eating. Fine by me.

------- Be prepared for a huge timelapse :)----------------

The next few months were pretty slow. Hunter was always at the hospital going for Chemo session. He is now 8 months and is sitting up by himself! He is teething too! I started a book to show his progress. The chemo is getting better for him. HE can tolerate it better. Sadly, the cancer hasn't gone away, but, its not growing either. Niall moved out of his flat. Him, Hunter, and I now have an apartment together. The best part is, its on the top floor of a 10 story building, and there is a great view of the city on the balcony. Niall is going on tour in a few months. He invited Hunter and I to come but Hunter has his chemo sessions and I can't just leave Sydney and Melissa for that long. Im sitting on the balcony with Hunter on my lap, waiting for Niall to come home. He ran out to get some food for Hunter. I stand up and take Hunter inside. I put Hunter in his play rib and then I sit on the couch. I look at the clock, its 5 and Niall left at 4. It doesn't take that long to go to the store. I pick up the phone and call him. No answer. He is probably almost home then. I pick up the remote and turn on the news. In big red letters it says, "Major car crash on Rt.80". I look closely at the screen, No... it can't be. That looks like Niall's car. I jump up and pick Hunter up.

"Hunter, we have to go help Daddy." I run out of the appartment, slamming the door behind me.

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