Chapter 15

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The doctor had me sceduele Hunter's first chemo session. I made it for Friday, so he has a week until it. Also, he wants me to find a blood donor for him.

"Ms.Rose," the doctor says , "What blood type are you?"

"O" I reply, "but Hunter is A positive." I frown, "Ill see if I can find someone." I say and I walk into the room again. (AUTHOR'S NOTE - Im not a doctor and I don't know about this stuff so I dont know if whats happening next is even possible- but pretend it is!!!)

"How'd everything go?" Melissa asked.

"His first session is Friday, but I need to find a blood donor for him. The only problem is, I am not his type." Then I thought og something. "Is anyone here A positive?"

"Im O" Sydney replied and Louis added ,"Me too."

"Were B." Harry and Zayn said.

"Im AB." Liam said ,"Sorry."

"Im AB too." said Melissa.

"Im A positive." Niall said, "Id be glad to donate." I ran up to him and hugged him

"Thank you so much Niall! You are amazing! What would I do without you?"

"You'd miss me." He joked around. For once this night, I laughed. It was amazing the way he could cheer me up so fast. He is really amazing. The rest of the night was quiet. Nothing really happened. Everyone stayed overnight. I was so greatful for that. I got up in the morning at 5 and I got another bottle from the nurse. I fed him and he went back to sleep. Everyone was still sleeping, so I went ouside. I went to Niall's car and grabbed my laptop. I went back up to the room and Niall was up.

"Morning,love." He said, "where were you?"

"I got my laptop. Ive been up for an hour." I sat on the chair next to Hunters crib and opened my laptop. I put in my password and opened up twitter.

"Niall," I say looking at my twitter, "I have 5,000 more followers."

"Well, thats what you get for being my princess!" He stood up and kissed my forehead. "Ill be back in a jiff, gotta go pee-pee!" I laughed at him and he walked to the bathroom. I looked at the clock , 6:30. I decide to wake everyone up because the doctor said he would be back to check on Hunter at 7.

"hey guys!" I yell, "Its time to get up!" Eventually, everyone sat up and started to come alive. When Niall came back in the room, Louis srung up.

"NIALL!" he screamed.

"Louis!" Niall said back.

"I had a dream about you, Hunter, and Sam last night!"

"Oh really ?" Niall asked.

"Yea! So, you two were sitting on that couch and Sam was on you lap and then Hunter, was like 5 and he walked over and told you guys the doctor had to tell you something. Then, the doctor told you that Hunter wwas cancer free and then Niall, you proposed to Sam and then Hunter got picked up by a dragon and then it flew away. Then, Hunter and the dragon came back with FroYo for everyone!" Louis sat there with  a huge grin on his face waiting for a responce.

"Well," Niall said ,"that was really nice. I liked the FroYo part."Louis smiled and then stood up. Everyone was wide awake now.

"You know what we should do?" Liam said  ," A twitcam. Like, all of us. Tell them whats going on."

"Sounds like a good idea. We can do it after the doctor comes in."

"Ok" everyone said. All the guys went down to the food court to get breakfast. While they were gone, the doctor came in. He said Hunter was all good for now, and that he didn't need to stay the 3 more nights. He just wanted me to keep him here until 3. When everyone came back, we all ate breakfast and then we did the twitcam. All the guys went on their twitters and said they were doing a twitcam. They even got #1DTwitcam trending worldwide!

So, Niall set up the twitcam on his twitter. Immediatly, we got a lot of views.

"Hey guys!" Niall said into the camera , "We have some news."

"Yea." Liam added. "And its not good news" He put on a pouty face.

"So, yesterday you met Niall's princess Samantha and her son Hunter." Louis said.

"Well," Harry added, "they are here right now. Sam, you and Hunter come over here."

"I see some of you are asking where we are." Liam said.

"We are at a children's hospital." Zayn said.Then I walked over with Hunter in my arms. Niall had to help me move the machines he was hooked up to.

"Samantha," Niall said ," would you like to tell them?" I nodded and went over to the screen.

"Hi guys," I said, "so yesterday we were leaving from the interview and I noticed something was wrong with Hunter. So, we took him here and we found out that he has ... uhm," I paused , "leukimia." Everyone was quiet.

"So, uhm, yea." Harry said frowning.

"I guess thats it. I mean, what else is there to say?" Zayn added.

"Well, all I want to say is please keep Hunter in your prayers and please help us get through this." Louis said. I hugged him.

"Sam," Niall said , "can I hold Hunter?" Niall asked.

"Yea." I say carrying him over to Niall.

"Guys," Niall says looking into the camera. "This little guy needs all the help he can get. Its not easy for a little guy this age to fight a disease like this off. Please please please help us by praying for him. Please. I love him, and I don't want him hurt." He kisses Hunter on the cheek. Then, I see that someone asked when his tratment started.

"OrangeCupcake9," I say, "He starts on Friday and It goes until the cancer is gone."

"Well," Louis said , " I think we need to end. Hunter needs his rest. We will keep you updated on his progress. We love you guys bye!" Then Niall stopped the twitcam. He walked Hunter over to his crib and laid him down. Then, he took out his phone. He snapped a picture of Hunter.

'Little Man is tired after that twitcam!' He tweeted and then the rest of the guy stook pictures of Hunter and tweeted them. I checked twitter and I was in tears when I saw was was trending. #PrayForHunter #HunterisAdorable #1DandBabyHunter. It was really amazing. Everyone actually cared about him and wanted him to get better.


Ok, I write ALOTTTTTT! I wrote 3 chapters tonight!! ahahahah whatever :)

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