Chapter 33

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Hunter got up at 8 and I was tired. I took him into the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub. I put in the smaller baby tub thing in for him to sit in. I put him in the minis tub and washed him down. When he was done, I dried him off and dressed him. I put on the shirt that Sydney and Melissa gave him before we left. On the front, it said 'I love Sydney and Melissa more than chocolate!', which obviously wasn't true. He loves chocolate. I go into the kitchen and put him in the highchair. I take a bib out of the drawer and put it on him. I then go into the fridge and get out a bottle. I heat it up and then give it to him. While he drinks, I get out baby food and a baby spoon. I open the jar and then mix it up. I take the bottle away and feed him. After he eats, it is only 9:30. I have two and a half hours until they get here. They said they had a ride here so I don't have to pick them up. I don't even bother to get dressed. I decide to take Hunter into the playroom. When we go in there, his eyes light up. I take him to the ball pit and climb in with him. There is a shallower area for him to play in. He was sitting in the colorful ball and he started throwing them.

"Hunty! Are you having fun?" He claps and giggles. We hang out there for a while and then we played in the jungle gym. He crawled up and I caught him at the bottom of the slide. We did that about a couple hundred times. I looked at the clock and realized it was already 11:45. Wow, time does fly by when you're having fun. I take Hunter into the living room and we chill out there for a bit. I was sitting on the couch with Hunter in the pack-n-play when I heard a knock on the door.

"Ill be right back." I say to Hunter as I walk out the doorway, blowing him a kiss. I walk up to the front door and pull it open. Sydney,Melissa, Harry, and Louis are standing there with Teddy bears, chocolate, and flowers.

"Oh My God! Sam!" Sydney yells as she drops everything and hugs me. Melissa does the same and I hug them back tightly. We don't say anything and just stay like that for a while. Harry and Louis went inside while we were having our moment. We find them playing with Hunter in the family room.

"Wow," I say to them, "its like you already know this place." Everyone laugh.

"We do." Louis and Harry said and everyone stopped laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well, uh.." Harry scratched his neck.

"Niall had this planned for a long time..." Louis said and I sat down. Sydney and Melissa sat next to me.

"Yea." Harry said, "Hes been looking at this house for almost a year now. He really liked it and he wa-" I cut him off.

"Saving it for someone special..." I say.

"Yea... I'm assuming he told you?"

"Mhm." I say.

"Hey, Harry, Louis." Melissa said, "Why don't you take Hunter to the special room you told Syd and I about."

"Okay!" They both say as they jump up. Harry picks Hunter up as Louis pushes the tiles to open the door.

"You know the code thing too?" I ask.

"Yea, he took us here A LOT."  Louis replied, and they slipped away through the door. It closed and then we started talking.

"Sam," Sydney said, "Harry and Louis were on the phone with Niall last night..."

"Mhm." I reply.

"He was really drunk and he admitted to 'doing it' with her. " Melissa said.

"But, if he was drunk then how do you know he wasn't lying?" I ask, hoping this whole thing could be a misunderstanding.

"Harry talked to the completley sober Shaun. He told him the whole thing."

"What do you mean, the whole thing?" I ask them.

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