Chapter 4

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- so what do you guys think of my story?? Any tips??--------- omg look what i just found out i could do ★★★ whaa! Hahaha annnyways. Heres chpt 4 


Niall sped to the hospital. 

"NI!, I screamed at him the whole way ate "SLOW DOWN!!" I gripped the seatbelt for dear life. We finally got to the hospital and when I went to get out of the car, Ni stopped me. He picked me up bridal style and ran me into the ER. He grabbed a wheelchair and placed me in it. 

"Niall! I'm fine. No need to rush." I sat in the wheelchair trying to get his attention but it was no use. He was talking to a nurse telling her what had happened. While he was talking the nurse kept nodding her head and scribbled things down on a note pad. Niall stopped talking after what felt like forever.  

"Sam," Niall said sympathetically , "this is nurse Jill." I waved to her and she smiled. "She's gonna take you to a room and takes x-rays and stuff. I am going to step outside and make a phone call. Ill be right back. I promise." Niall planted a soft kiss on my forehead and walked away. 

"Um, is it ok if I call you Jill?" She nodded "Ok uh, Jill, can I please call my friends Sydney and Melissa?"  

"Why? You'll be home in an hour. I think they can wait." She took the handel bars on my chair and started pushing me down a long narrow hallway. I ft like I was in the movie Orphan- creepy! 

"Well uh," i stuttered, " they are watching my son a-and hes only a month old." I. miss my Hunter. I wish I never even came tonight. Im so stupid. 

"Sure, but uh, arent you only 18?" Jill asked. I got pretty annoyed. I hate how people ask that. 

"Yes!" I belted out. 

"Sorry I upset you"and Jill said. She pushed me into a room by myself. "The doctor will be in soon." 

"Ok." I said reaching in my bag. I grabbed my phone out and dialed Sydney. 

*on the phone* 

Me(m)- hello? 


M- in the ER. 


Mel- whaaa? 



M- some guy pushed me over and my ankle may be broken. But that doesn't matter. Hows Huntey? 

S- fine. He fell asleep 1/2 and hour ago. 

Mel- ya, right after he cried for an hour. 

Me- awee i miss him! Sebd me a pic. I have to go. Hopefully ill be back soon BYIEE 


*off phone* 

I pressed the and call button when Niall walked in. 

"Who you talking to babe?" He questioned.  

"Sydney and Melissa" I replied. Just then my phone rang. I pulled it out of my bag. 

Sydney texted me.

She sent me a picture of Hunt asleep."Hunts sound asleep. He misses you xoxo

"Hes cute. " Niall cooed in my ear. "Looks like you." I blushed. 

"You think so?"  

"Yea. Hes got your nose" he flicked my nose, "and you eyes", he looked deep into my eyes. "And your lips." He pushed his lips into mine. It sounds cheesy but, i swear I saw fireworks. It was magical. I love Niall.


Bwaaa! Chpt. 4 completo!!! Hahaha :) follow me on twittah? @Thanks_Nialler? ?? How do you lkke it so far??? And sryy if theres a lot pf errors, im on my phone so its hars to type :p

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