Chapter 18

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When we pulled up to Niall's flat, I was anxious. I don't know why. I just was. I jump out of the car and grabbed Hunter out of the back seat. Niall walked up to the front door, stuck the key in the key hole, then he turned the knob. He opened the door and we walked in. I took off my shoes and so did Niall.

"Want the grand tour?" He asked.

"Depends on who the tour guide is." I joke around. He directs me into a comfy looking room.

"This is the living room. The room in which I live." I laugh ans we walk across the hall.

"This is the bathroom," He says opening the door, "a room in which I bathe."

"You don't say." I say sarcastically. Then we go to his room.

"This is my bedroom-"

"A room in which you bed is?" I joke around.

"No! Don't be dumb. ITs just a bedroom."

"Oh, C'mon!" I say laughing. We walk back into the living room. I sit down on the couch. I held Huner in my arms and grabbed his pacifier out of the diaper bag.

"So," I say putting the binki in Hunter's mouth, "what do you wanna do?"

"Well, hmm..." He put his chin inbetween his thumb and index finger, "wanna play X Box?"

"Sounds fun, but we have Hunter here."

"Oh yea." He looked down at the floor.

"Well," I say looking at the clock on the wall, "Its already 6 and Hunter goes to bed at 7. OH! I know what we can do!"

"Really?" Niall asks. "What?"

"Well, I need to give Hunter a bath, so you can help me with that."

"Sure." Niall says standing up, "and then can we play X Box?"

"Yup." I say standing up. I grab Hunter's bag and walk into the bathroom.

"Im going to need you to hold him because he cant sit up yet ." I tell Niall. Niall then runs out of the room.

"Ni!" I call. Then, he comes back 3 minutes later with a bathing suit on. He is so fit.

"What are you doing Niall?" I ask laughing.

"Well, you said you needed me to hold Hunter and I wasn't gonna be naked!" I rolled my eyes.

"Ni, you don't actually need to get in the tub, you know that. Right?"

"I know that." He said climbing into the tub. He turns on the water and starts to fill up the tub.

"Is this good?" He says as I put my hand under the running water making sure it wasn't too hot or cold for Hunter.

"It should be." I say.

"Here, give 'em to me now." Niall says putting his arms out. I pull Hunter's clothes off and then hand him to Niall. Hunter immediatley splashed Niall.

"Hunter!" Niall laughs, "you silly goose!"

"Why is my son a goose?" I laugh.

"He just is!" I grab a rag and baby soap out of the diaper bag. I feel like MArry Poppins with the things I get out of there. I dip the rag in the water and then pour some soap on it. I go to wash Hunter but Niall interupts me.

"Can I?" Niall asks.

"Sure, if you want." I say handing Niall the washcloth. I dry my hands and grab my I phone.

"Say cheese" I say to Niall and Hunter as I get the cutest picture of them.

"Let me see!" Niall says smiling.

"Youll see it on twitter!" I say as I tweet the picture.

[(The actual tweet) 'Niall and Hunter! How cute?']

"Is he done?" I ask Niall.

"Yup!" I grab Hunter's towel out of the bag and wrap him up in it. I then hand Niall a towel too. He hops out .

"Im going to get dressed." He said as I walk into the living room. I change Hunter into his P.J.s. NIall comes down a few minutes later.

"Hey Ni." I aks ,"CAn you put Hunter down? Im gonna go shower.

"Sure, but come with me first."

"o-okay?" Niall takes Hunter out of my arms and walks into a little room. It had a small crib, changing table, and a short dresser.

"Ni." I say hugging him ,"you didn't."

"I did." He said kissing my head. "You and Hunter are going to be here a lot so... yea."

"I love it Niall!" I walk to the window and look out. There is a perfect view of the bsckyard.

"I didn't know you have a pool!" I say looking at Niall.

"I didn't tell you? I also have a jet plane in the shed." I laugh at his sarcasm.

"You go shower." He says. I kiss Hunter goodnight and walk out the door. I got to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower. I put on my pajamas when Im done and go out into the living room. Niall is already sitting there with his headset on and his controlled in his hands.

"Here." He says tossing a controller and a headset at me. "Were playing COD Zombies."

"Yes!" , I say, My favorite!" I put the headset on my head and get my gamer on! The game starts and I get the first kill. Niall seems surprised.

"What? Are you surprised a girl is better than you?"

"Pshh, No." He says concentrating on the game. HE dies and I go revive him.

"Really Horan?" I joke. He just sticks his tounge out. The whole night was like that. Me having to revive Niall and Niall complaning about him loosing.

"Im tired." I say at 11.

"Me too." He says ,"you can sleep with me."

"Ok." I say. We walk into Niall's room and I jump in bed. I pull the covers on me. Niall gets in the bed and grabs my hands. We intertwine our legs and stay like that.

"Goodnight Princess." He says, and I drift off into dream land.


Hey guys, I was taking state tests and I thought of a funny joke... Wanna hear it???

"What does Larry Stylinson and Niall's teeth have in common??" Comment what you thing the answer is and if you get it right i will give you a guest role in here :) Ok, so Im done for today :) Byiee guys :)

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