Chapter 20

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Holy Crapp! Chapter 20!!! Wow, this is insane :) So, what do you guys think of my work? And if I were to write a new story, would you read it??


 I didn't even bother taking the elevator. I ran down the stairs with Hunter in my arms. I run through the lobby and into the parking garage. I put Hunter in the backseat and then jumped in the driver's seat. I put the key in the ignition and drove twoards where the crash was. I get stuck in traffic because of the crash. I am so close, that I can see the ambulance. I made a very decision. I pull the car over to the side and get out. I grab Hunter and run to the crash. A bunch of police are surrounding the scene and there is yellow tape around the cars. I run to the tape and before I could get through, a police stopped me.

"Ma'am!" He hollered, "where do you think you're going?"

"M-my..." I breathe, "thats my boyfriends car! I-I think he was in the crash."

"Are you positive it was him?" The officer asked. I then saw someone being pulled out of the car I think is Niall's. Its him. I push past the officer and run to Niall. The EMTs already have him on a gurnie.

"N-Niall!" I scream. Then, Hunter starts crying. THe police comes up to me.

"Ma'am! Why did you run over here. You could get hurt!"

"I couldn't just sit here and watch my boyfriend be pulled out of a car wreck!"

"I understand. But don't do it again."  I nod and hush Hunter down.

"Can I come?" I ask the ambulance person as he put Niall in the back of the abulance.

"Sure." He says helping me into the back. I climb in and hold Niall's hand. He has an air mask on and a heart monitor on. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back. A tear slips from my eye as we drive off. Why do I always find myself in an ambulance with Hunter and Niall. AS we get to the hospital, I realize that Im here every week. How depressing. THe people open the doors and take us into the ER. They immediatley take Niall into a room. They rip open his shirt and I see that he has a huge gash in his stomach. Also, I see that the has a hugecut on his head. He is still holding my hand.

"Why is there a gash in his stomach?" I ask the doctor.

"THe glass from the window got stuck in the air bag and then the air bag pushed into his stomach. The glass is pretty deep. We need to put him under and get the glass out."

"W-will it hurt him?"

"Not really. When he wakes up he may have some abdomanal pain and a headache, but thats it. ANd also, he has to get staples in his head."

"O-ok." I say wiping a tear from my face.

"You can wait in here while we take him into the operation room."

"Okay." I say. I lean over Niall and kiss him gently. "I love you Niall."

"I-I love..." I hear him say quietly, but the rest was too quiet to hear. The doctors wheel him out of the room and Niall goes into opperation.

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