Chapter 2

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"Rock a bye baby.." I sang as I held Hunter in my arms. Every night I sat in the rocking chair in his nursery and sand him to sleep. He looks so peaceful. Hes finally asleep. I gently placed him in his crib. He was so tiny, gosh. I tip-toed out to the livingroom. Sydney and Melissa were watching their favortie movie, Finding Nemo (And soon, it will be FInding Dory).

   "Im going to get my pjs on. Ill be out in a few." I said walking into my room. I reached in my pockets and found a crickled piece of paper I unfolded it and realized it was Niall's number. Hmm, should I call him? He seemed nice. But then again, Ive had LOTS of bad experiences with guys (Thants why Im alone with Hunter).  He probably gave me a fake number. I put his number on my dresser and then pulle dout my pajamas. I threw them on and put my hair into a messy bun. Before I walked out of my room a grabbd my cell phone and  Niall's number.

   "Hey," I said as I walke dinto the livingroom, "Should I call Niall?"

"YES!" Melissa and Syd cheered in unison.

    "And put it on speaker phone too!" Melissa added. I pushed the buttons on my phone and then presses the speaker phone key. The phone rang. It felt like forever, then, I heard an irish accent on the other end.

    "Ello?" the voice said. "This is Niall. Can I help you?"

"Uhm, yes, well, no not really. T-this is Samantha. You gave me your number in the store today." I was so nervous.

     "HEY!" he ceered. "I thought you would never call me!"

"Oh," I blushed , "really?"

      "Yea. I wanted to ask you something, then your brother started crying." My heart sank. He though Hunter was my brother. What would happen when I told him he was my son! Oh god!

   "Oh, ya, well, he isn't my brother." I said quietly.

       "Oh, are you babysitting him?"

"Uhm, no." I said. "He-hes my son."

       "Oh." His voice saddened. "May I ask how old you are?"

"18" I said. I felt tears stinging in my eyes. I forgot Syd and Melissa were there until they started rubbing circles into my back. They could tell I was upset.

     "Oh, uhm, then Im guessing you have a boyfriend." he said.

"Uh, no. When I told him I was , uh, pregnant," I paused recalling the horible memories, "he said I was going to get fat,ugly, and that he didn't want me or my baby." I wawsa crying now. I felt so weak. I had to be strong. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes.

     "WHAT!" Niall screamed into the phone. "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND NOBODY SHOULD EVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOU!"I smiled and laughed. He called me beautiful. beautiful. I cant remember the last time a boy called me that.

     "thanks but.-" I said but was cut off.

"No Buts!" Niall said.

   "Okay." I giggled.

"Now," He said, "I wanted to ask you something in the store but then your, "he paused ,"son started crying."

      "And what was that?" i questioned.

"Uhm, well, I was going to ask if you want to , you know. Maybe go out sometime?" I heard cheering in the background. I could tell his friends were listening. I looked t my two best friends. THey both smiled and nodded, telling me to accept. So I did.

    "Of course" I smiled ,"When and where?"

"Tomorrow night. Would you like to go ice skating? I know an awesome ice rink just a mile away." Oh crap. I cannot ce skate for my life.


      "See ya tomorrow." I could hear his smile in his voice.

"Alright." I smiled. I hung up and look at my best friends.

"ICE SKATING!"  they both yelled.


"Yes." I said. Last time I went with them, I fell and had to get stiches in my fingers becaue they got run over. Oh god, Im scared for tomorrow. Hopefully it will go well. I stood up, said goodnight to my friends, and trudged into my room. I was excited to sleep, weird. Lets see what tomorrow will bring.


AHHH okay, so pleaseeeeee voteee and comment maybe?? ahaha so what do you think is gonna happen tomorrow??? ooo suspence (sorta :P )

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