Chapter 30

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This house was gorgeous! It had a huge yard with a pool in the front yard! Surrounded by the pool were lanterns and lawn chairs that lay down. The house was really big! I walked up to the door and Niall handed me a key. I take it and slip it in the key hole. I turn the key, and pull the door open. It creaks as I yank at it. As it opens, Im blasted with a rush of cool air. I step in and Im in awe.  It looks like a hotel. On the left and right side of the huge room were grand sweeping staircaces. I look up and see a gorgeous chandelier. It is sprinkled with crystals and it sparkles when light hits it. I turn my head slightly to the left and see a hallway. I walk into it and Niall follows me with Hunter in his arms. The hall wall's are covered with pictures of Hunter, Niall, Sydney, Melissa, the boys, Mouse, and I. Niall decorated just the way I like; with lots of pictures. The hallway has sevral rooms in it including 2 spare rooms, a bathroom, and a walk in closet. I walk out of the hallway back into the main entrance area and go to the hallway on the other side. It also has a bathroom, but it leads into a huge garage.After I look around the garage, I go back to the main entrance again. Niall led me through the opening inbetween the stairs to the kitchen. It was amazing. The floors were a beautiful hardwood and you could tell they were new. The cabinets were a medium brown color. There was an island in the middle, and the counter tops were granite. It was beautiful.

"This place is beautiful, Niall!" I say while running my hand over the smooth cool countertop, "How did you get this done in only a week?

"I worked really hard babe. I also had some help from my dad and brother." He said kissing my forehead. He leads me into a dining room with a huge table and a china cabinet. Then, we go into a huge living room. It had a really nice hardwood floors with a throw rug in the middle. Two large couches bordered two of the walls. There was a beautiful white and tiled  fireplace and in the corner, was a loveseat. It was a very comfy room.

"Lets go upstairs, I think you'll like it." Niall says taking me by the hand. He pulls me to the stairs and we go up them. He takes me down one half of the hallway.

"This is Hunter's room." He says as he pulls the door open. I step into the ocean blue room and look around. It is so cute. There is a white crib on the corner by the window. I walk to it and pull open the curtians. There is a little pond out in the back with little ducks swimming around. I then look over at Niall who is sitting in a rocking chair with Hunter. I walk over and hug him.

"I love it Niall. Its perfect." I say looking around. The white dresser is filled with all new clothes for Hunter and so is the closet. "Ni, how did you get all these things for him?"

"Well, as you know, my brother Greg recently got married. And, his wife loves to shop for babies, and thats how you got all these things." I laughed.

"Well, I would love to meet her and thank her for all of this."

"Don't worry, you will. THey live just half an hour away. Do you want to see our room now?"

"I would love to." Niall stands up and puts Hunter, who is now sleeping, in the crib. He takes my hand and brings me to our room.

"Close your eyes." He says putting one of his hands over my eyes.I hear a door open,and then Im pulled into a room. The door closes and Niall pulls his hand away from my eyes. Our room was the most beautiful thing Ive seen in my life, besides Hunter and Niall obviously. There was a gigantic king sized bed with nice brown patterend covers. The wall is a nice eggshell white with a small light brown swirled pattern on the bottom. A small couch was against one of the walls and Niall went and sat on it.

"So what do you think, Sam?" He says, and I run over to him and jump onto his lap. I kiss him and dhe hugs me back.

"I love it Niall. It is perfect." I say as I pull away from him. I stand up and take another look around the room. I go over to the closet and open it. It is a humongous walk in. I go in and see that it has a sidde for me and one for Niall. I go out to see Niall outside the window. I go over to it and climb out onto the roof with him. The view is beautiful. You could see the pond that you saw from Hunter's room, but you could see a nice playset .

"Ni, you got hunter a playset?"

"Yeah, I thought he would like it." He smiled.

"Im sure he will babe." I say and kiss him. We stay out there for a while then we go inside.

"I reall like this place Niall."

"I do too. Ive been looking at it for a ling time but I never had anyone to share it with and it would have been too big for just me."

"Well, Im glad you chose me and Hunter." I say as I go and hug him. He hugs me back tightly. We walk backdownstairs and sat in the living room.

"Hey Sam," Niall says as he stands up, "come see this." I stand up and Niall walks to the fireplace.

"What are you doing?" I ask scratching my head.

"You'll see." He smirks and then he starts touching the tiles on the wall. I cocked my eyebrow up in confusion. He then touches one last tile and I hear a noise, then, a small door opened in the wall.

"Niall!" I screamed, "What is this?!"

"Follow me," He says as he climbed into the small hole. Honestly, I was terrified because I didn't know what was in there. We walked in a tiny space and I saw a light twoards the end.

"Watch your head." Niall said as he climbed into the light. I put my hand over my head and step into the light. At first, I can't tell what it is because my eyes haven'y adjusted to the light, but then, I realize what it is...


ooooo suspence :) So what do you guys think it is? Comment :) Oh, and YES there is going to be a sequel to 'Torn' :) Im really excited to start it but I need to know if you will read it :) Comment if you will :P Thanks guys :D and sporry it took so long to update /.\ <---- ahahah i fing that cute :)

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