Chapter 32

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For dinner, we went to Nandos. On the drive home, Niall decided to show Hunter and I around Dublin and he was going to introduce us to some people. Niall parked the car in front of a bar and We got out. I grabbed Hunter from the back seat and then I shut the door. I start to walk towards the entrance, but Niall takes my hand.

"This way." He says as he pulls me into an alley.

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously.

"My friend owns this place. He lets me in through the back entrance." We keep walking into the darkness.

"Ok." I say so faintly, I can barley hear myself. I hold Hunter tightly. I know there is nothing to be afraid of, but I'm nervous and I'm not good with meeting new people.Plus, I've never had any alcoholic drink in my life. I see a dim light and Niall pulls us towards us. I realize that under the light is a door. Niall grabs the handle and twists it.

"Watch your step," He says as I step through the old door. The room is dark and I can hear Niall feeling the wall, looking for a light switch. He finds it, and flicks the light on. I think we are in an office.

"This is my pal Shuan's bar. He said hes excited to meet you and Hunt."  He smiles.

"Im excited too." I lied, "where is he?"

"In the bar. It may be too loud for Hunter though," he says, "I can go get Shaun if you want"

"No, I say, its ok." I say.

"Ok, then lets go in." Niall takes us to a door and we walk into the back part of the bar. Everyone is surrounding the bar and then, I see that someone behind the bar notices us. He jumps up on the counter.

"Hey! Niiiallllll! Whadup brotha!" He screams.

"That's Shaun." Niall says as he waves to Shuan, "hes a bit, uhm, energetic. And hes not even drunk." I laugh and We walk over to Shaun. By then, everyone in the bar was looking at us. Some waved and Niall waved back. When we got to the bar, two guys moved so Niall and I could sit down.

"Thanks man." Niall said as we took our seats. Niall ordered a beer, but I didn't get anything.

"Come on babe," Niall said nudging me, "have a drink!"

"Uh, no thanks." He shrugs and then he motions toward Shaun.

"Shaun, this is my girlfriend Samantha," I wave my hand, "and this," Niall said tickling Hunter's stomach, "is Hunter."

"Nice to meet you two." Shaun say with a really thick accent. Niall gets his beer and takes a big chug. He wipes his lip with his arm and puts the glass down. Then, Shaun goes into a back room and comes out a minute later with a girl. She looks pretty young, about 10 I think.

"Hi."  She says shyly, pushing one of her brown braids behind her ear.

"This is me daughter," Shaun says putting his arm around her, " Jodi."

"Hi Jodi." I say with a smile on my face, "I'm Sam, and this is Hunter." She smiles when I introduce her to Hunter.

"Hi Hunter," She says, "You're cute!" Hunter giggles and so does she.

"Jodi," Shaun says, "sorry I have to tell you this, but you gotta go t' bed. Its 10 and its your last day of school tomorrow."

"Ok Daddy!" She says as she skips to her room."Bye Hunter!" She says as she closes the door to the back room.

"Niall," I say to him, "Hunter should be getting to bed soon too. I can take a taxi home."

"Its okay Sam, Ill take you guys home and then I'll come back."

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