Chapter 27

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I woke up the next morning in an exceptionally good mood. I made a big breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, waffels, pancakes, and homemade orange juice. We invited Liam and Zayn over because I made too much. Even with the help of Liam and Zayn, there was still so much food left. After breakfast, Niall, Liam, and Zayn went to the studio to record for their 3rd album. I was home alone with Hunter and Mouse all day. Oh, and the landlord said that we can keep Mouse with us until we move out! But anyway, Hunter was napping and I sat at the kitchen counter contemplating on if I should call my parents or not. I got up and paced back and forth a few times, but then I decided to call. I picked up the phone and sat down at the counter. I put the number in the phone. It rang three times, and every time it rang, my heart stopped.

"Hello?" My mom says on the other side of the phone. HEr voice still sounds the same as I remeber.

"M-mom?" I stutter.

"Who is this?" She asks and I frown.

"Sam." I don't breathe until she answers.

"S-sam? Is it really y-you?" I can hear tears in her voice.

"Its really me Mom."

"Samantha! How come you didn't call me ,baby! Ive been so worried about you! I miss you."

"I -I thought you were mad at me. I miss you too." I wiped a tear from my eye.

"The only time I heard from you was when I saw you on T.V. with that guy, what was his name again? Niall. Yes, that was his name. Are you two still together?"

"Yes mom, we are. Hes a great guy and I love him so much."

"He seems to be a much better guy than Mason."

"He is..." I frown.

"Oh my! I am so dumb! I forgot to ask. Uhm, how is, uhm, your baby?"



"Yes mom, his name is Hunter."

"Im so happy for you! I have a grandson!! Oh, and go on."

"He is uhm, going to be better than what he usally is."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, he was born preamature so that cause him to have asthma..."

"Is that it?" She asks impatiently.

"N-no." I stutter.

"Than what is it?"

"Leukimia." I spurt out. I hate the sound of the word. Mom is silent. I can tell she is thinking.

"I-Im so sorry. Is there anything your dad and I can do to help?"

"Actually, yes."

"What is it?"

"Be there for him, us. Just please be a part of his life. I don't want us to be fighting mom. I love you guys so much."

"Of corse baby. When do you want to get together?"

"Whenever is good for you mom."

"Alright. let me go talk to your dad. I love you. Bye."

"Love you too." I said and then hung up. Niall came home early today. I told him all about my conversation with my mom and he is excited to meet her. She called back and we decided that we would get together when Niall and I find a place for us to move in. We packed up all of our things that night so we could move out the next morning. Liam said we could move in with him for a while. I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor next to Niall that night because our bed was in storage. Then next morning, we got up and drove to Liam's house. He lives a half hour away from us in New York. When we got there it was noon. He helped us unpack some of our things and then we went to Nandos for lunch. When we got back, we finished unpacking. Niall and I stayed in the guest room and Hunter's pack-n-play was in there too. We started looking for places to stay over the next few weeks, but we had no luck. Nobody would allow dogs in the apartments, and other places weren't in good neighborhoods. Its been 2 weeks since weve bee with Liam and we have had no luck finding a place. It is very frustrating.

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