Chapter 34

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When we got home, Harry, Louis, and Hunter were already there. We walked in, well, Melissa and Sydney had to help me limp in because I was dizzy, and went into the living room. They sat me down on the couch and then Harry and Louis came running downstairs from Hunter's room.

"Hunter is asleep." Louis said, "Is everything okay?"

"Why is Sam so pale?" Harry asked putting the back of his hand on my forehead. "She has a fever."

"We saw Niall, He pleaded for her forgiveness, I think Sydney broke his nose, and she passed out in the car." Melissa said quickly.

"Go get some water." Sydney said and Harry ran off into the kitchen. Louis grabbed a pillow and propped my head up. They laid me down and Harry gave me water. I tried to say thankyou, but I was too tired to talk. I took a sip of water and then laid down again.

"Guys," Sydney said, "let her sleep. She needs it. She had a rough day." That was the last thing I heard before I passed out. I wake up in a dark room. I look around but can see anything. I try to get out of bed, but something is holding me there.

"Help!" I scream, but no sound comes out. "HELP!" I try again, but nothing. I squrim around trying to get out but I can't Then, I see a light. I comes closer to me.I wimper in fear. I squirm more but the grip get tighter. I hear a voice. It sounds robotic.

"He doesn't love you." It says, and the light gets closer. Then, I hear another voice.

"DONT LISTEN TO HIM! HES LYING!" I try to move and I get one arm free. I yank at my other arm and get it free.

"HE hates you. HE cheated on you!" The robotic voice says again. The light is right above my face. I reach out to it and then it dies. Then, I feel two icy and bony hands wrap around my neck.

"I love you! Don't fall for it!"

"Come with me!" The robotic voice says, and the light turns onto him. I can see who it is. The reaper. HEs here for me. Its my turn. The hands get tighter and I scream for help. I can talk now, but its hard to breathe.

"HELP ME!" I scream as the hands get tighter.

"I love you!"

"HElp.. HELP ME!"






"SAM"I hear. The room is dark again and I can't breathe. The icy hand are so tight now. I feel light headed. I scream out one more time, then, I feel like Im flying. Like everything is gone.

"Samantha!" I hear as I float through fluffy clouds.

"Sammy!" I hear again.

"I think shes coming through."

"Samantha" I hear one more time and I am safe in my bed. Sydney,Melissa, aLouis, and Harry are all over me and I feel dizzy.

"Sam, youre okay!" Sydney says.

"I think you were having a nightmare! Are you okay?" Melissa asks. I nod my head. I sit up on my elbows and look around the room. Im in my room in my bed.

"How did I get here?" I ask.

"Harry carried you up."

"Thanks" I say hugging him.

"No problem. I felt bad with you sleeping on the couch." He shrugs.

"What time is it?"

"6." Louis said looking at his wath.

"I slept that long?!" I say, flabberghasted.

"You needed is Sam." Melissa says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Lets have our girl time." Sydney says as she climbs in bed. "Boys, would you go get the ice cream and the movies?"

"Would you like the ice cream in bowls?" Harry asks.

"That won't be necesary." Melissa laughs. The boys come back with three things of icecream and three spoons. They brought up the movies Titanic. Scindlers List, Mean Girls, LOL, and all the Shreks.

"What first Sam?" Harry asks.

"Shrek" I say. Harry pops it into the dvd player and hits play. I ate a little less than half of the icecream during that movie. Then, we watched Schindler's List. It was a bad idea cause I ate all my icecream and cried like a baby. Its a great movie, but I hate it because its so upsetting. Harry brought us all more icecream and Louis put in the Titanic. Again, I cried like a baby and ate half of my icecream. The last movie we watched was Mean Girls. Because Hunter was asleep, Harry and Louis decided to join us. I was literally peeing my  pants watching them quote the movie. After that, everyone went to bed. Louis and Melissa shared the spare room upstairs and Sydney and Harry decided that they were going to sleep in the ball pit instead of the other spare room Im pretty sure they will be up all night playing in it though. I slept better that night. I think I needed the rest. Im glad I saw Niall today, but I also regret it. I wonder how his nose is?

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