Chapter 17

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THe doctor poked the needle into Hunter's arm and he started crying. I hushed Hunter trying to calm him down. I even tried to give him his pacifier  but he just spit it out. Then, Niall came up behind me.

"Let me try something." He said going up to Hunter. "Hey Hunter." He said calmly. Hunter continued to cry. "Everythings gonna be ok." He was still crying. Then Niall picked up Hunter's blanket and put it over his head.

"Peek-a-boo!" He said pulling it off his head. Hunter giggled, but he was still wimpering. Then Niall started singing.

"Under the lights tonight.You turned around, and you stole my heart. With just one look, when I saw your face.I fell in love..." Hunter stopped crying. It was amazing. As soon as he heard Niall's voice he stopped. The rest of the session Hunter didn't cry. Niall sang the whole time. Sydney and Melissa just sat on the couch in awe at  Niall's voice. The doctor pulled the needle out of his arm and then we all left. We took that long ride home. I sat in the back with Hunter with Sydney next to me. Melissa sat in front with Niall. Everyone was quiet because Hunter was asleep. Niall dropped Thing 1 and 2 at my house and then we drove to Nandos. Hunter was awake now. Niall picked him up and we walked inside. A few girls came up to us.

"Hi Niall!" They all said.

"Hi." He said back smiling.

"Can we get a picture?"

"Sure." Niall said going next to them. One girl asked me if I could take the picture. She handed me the camera and then got back in the picture. Niall still had Hunter is his arms. I was about to snap the picture when one girl did the unimaginable.

"Niall, get that thing out of the picture." One of the girls did.

"Excuse me?" Niall said back annoyed.

"I said to get him out of the picture." She grabbed Hunter's tiny leg and he started crying, "We don't want him or Samantha here. Nobody like either of them." She gripped harder on Hunter's leg. Niall grabbed the girl's arm and pulled it off of Hunter's leg.

"Im sorrry, but who are you to talk to me like that?" Niall was so annoyed. I dropped the girls phone of the floor. I grabbed Hunter out of Niall's arms. I looked at Hunter's leg where the girl grabbed it and it was already turning black and blue. Im not surprised by that because cancer patients bruise easily(or at least thats what I heard.) I got Niall's attention and sshowed him the bruise.

"Look what you did!" He screamed. Now the whole resteraunt was watching. "Do you even know what you have done? Its not like hes not already in pain! He had to go for CHEMO this morning." Some people in the resteraunt gasped. "YOU KNOW WHY???" He screamed, "because hes 3 months old and has f*cking cancer!"  Niall's face was boiling with anger. The girl who handed me her phone, picked up the phone from the ground.

"Looks like you just lost three directioners Mr.Horan." She smirked and walked out the door.

"Im glad... why don't you go be a fan of The Wanted or something." He frowned.

"Hunter." He said looking at him. "Let me go get him ice." He walked over to the soda machine and got some ice. HE wrapped it up in napkins. "Dr.Horan to the rescue." He said putting the ice on Hunter's leg. Hunter shivered at the ice on his leg. I pulled his blanket out of his diaper bag. We sat at a table.

"Ill go get the food. What do you want?" Niall asked.

"Surprise me."

"Ok." He said walking away. I kept the ice on Hunter's leg.  Niall came back a few minutes later with the food. He got me peri-peri chicken. Yum! Hunter's leg didn't need to be iced anymore so I stopped that and fed him. He fell asleep and we drove to the mall. We let Hunter sleep in the car. When we got to the mall, I pulled Hunter's carrige out of the treunk.

"No." Niall said, "put that back. I brought something else to carry him in." I was confused, but I put it back in the trunk. "Im gonna get Hunter. Stay here." Niall said. I waited for him and when he ame back, I went into a fit of laughter. He had brought my BabyBjorn carrier with him(its that thingy where you star it on yourself and put the baby on front.). 

"You like my new look?" Niall asks. I nod laughing. He takes my hand and we walk inside. "Liam and Zayn told us to meet them at Forever 21."

"What are they doing at Forever 21?" I ask.

"Well, they are there with their girlfriends Danielle and Perrie." Niall answers.

"Fancy." I say as we walk to the store. We get there and immediatly Zayn and Liam run up to us.

"Mate!" Zayn yells, "What are you wearing?"

"Hunter, obviously." Liam says.

"You dingos. Its called a BabyBjorn." He said BabyBjorn is a funny french accent. We all laugh and go n the store. We walked over to where DAni and Perrie where.

"Ello!" Parrie said pulling me into a hug. Danielle did the same. While Perrie hugged me she looked over at Niall. He mouth dropped open and she started cracking up.

"What?" Niall asked,' Its cause Im Irish isn't it!" Then, Dani saw Hunter's leg.

"W-what happened?" She asked. Niall told her the whole story. From when he was diagnosed to what happened at Nandos. Perrie and her looked like they were about to cry.

"If you need anything," Perrie said looking at Hunter, and then to me, "please call me." She handed me a slip of paper with her number on it.

"I will." I smile and hug her. I exchanded numbers with Danielle too. We went to a bunch of shops. I got some things for Hunter. I got little wall decals for his nursery. They were little blue elephants, just like his stuffed elephant. We walked out to the car with everyone.

"See you soon." I said to everyone as I hopped in the car. I was excited to go to Niall's flat. It should be fun. The whole ride there, Hunter slept. He had such a long day. Hes all pooped out. But, Im positive he will be up to eat when we get home.


sry for not posting yesterday :P I slept a lot. And Mon.- Thurs. I may not update because I have state testing .. BLAAAA so Byieee :) Hope yo ulike it

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