Chapter 9

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On our way to the hospital, Niall seemed almost nervous.

"Ni," I asked sympathetically, "is evrything okay?"

"Uhm, yeah uh," He shook his head, "actually, no. I can't lie about this. Im worriewd about you, Sam. When I was with Hunter in his room, I heard yelling coming from your room. I wasn't easvedropping, but I heard you say something about Hunter not being able to be in someones life?" I put my head down.

"Well, the truth is, Mason called."

"Wh-Whos Mason?" Niall looked upset.

"M-My ex. To be more exact, Hunter's uh, dad. He called demanding me to give Hunter to him."

"Why would he do that?"

"I-I really dont know." I started to tear up.

"Princess, pick your head up. Your tiara is falling. Everything will be alright. Ill protect you."

"Thanks Ni. I love you."

" I love you babe, and so does Hunter." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. We were all calm until Niall spotted something in his rearview mirror.

"@#$%" He cussed, "They found us."

"What?!" I asked pannicked.

"The paparazzi. They found us." I looked out the window and I saw a bunch of people with cameras driving behind us.

"Oh,no." I wimpered.

"Its ok. We are almost at the Hospital. Once we get insode, we will be safe." He held my hand tightly.

"O-ok" I gulped gripping his hand. I looked at Hunter who was sound asleep. Niall drove as quick as he could to the hospital. When we got there Ni got out of the car first. He ran over to Hunter and grabbed him in his carseat. I then got out and we ran(Well , I limped) into the hospital. Before we could get in, paparazzi shouted so many questions.




"HOW COULD YOU HAVE A SON IF YOU AREN'T MARRIED OR DATING?" It was all crazy. The only thing the paparazzi need to know, is how to leave people alone. They are so annoying. So, once we were safe, we walked to the elevator. Niall clicked the button and we went up to the 4th floor. We sat in the waiting room for a while. A few people walked out with casts. But one girl, maybe age 10, walke dover to me and Niall. She had a One Direction braclet on her arm.

"Hi!" She said to Niall. "I-Im a directioner and I uh.." She was about to say something but then she looked at me. She leaned in to Niall and whispered somethign into his ear. Niall smiled.

"She is isn't she." he replied. "So, what can I do for you." 

"Well, uhm, Im Sophia, and uh, I was wondering if you could sign my cast!" She pointed to her left arm.

"Sure love!" Niall replied, "So, howd you break it."

"Well uh, this is kinda embarrising, but I fell down the stairs at school."

"Oh no!" Niall replied, "But its not embarrasing. You know whats embarrasing?"

"What?" She giggled.

"In grade 8, my pants fell down on stage... and the whole school was there." Sophia burst out into laughter. Then, when she stopped, Niall signed her cast.  and they took a picture together.  He mom came to collect her, but before she left Niall pecked her cheek and gave her a hug. He is so good with kids. A couple minutes later, the doctor called me in.

"Ill stay out here with Hunter, ok?"

"Yup." I replied walking into the doctors room.

"So," The doctor said, " YOu can choose from Pink,blue, green, yellow, and black. WHat color do you want?"

"Pink!" I replie dimmediatly.

"Alright." He replied. A half an hour later, I walked back out into the waiting room with a pink cast on my foot. And, no crutches!

"Wow!" Niall said standing up, "Thats vibrant."

"Thanks." I said fake punching him. He grabbed Hunter in his carseat. I walked twoard the main entrancfe of the hospital, but Niall pulled me aside.

"Sam, I arranged for a security guard to escort us out."

"Thanks babe" I say. He really did that? He is so considerate. A few seconds later a security guard came and got us. He safely guided us to the car.

"Thanks man!" Niall yelled before getting in the car.

"Now,  lets go home!" I say.

"Nope." Niall instanly replies.

"What? Why not?"

"I want you and Hunter to meet a few of my friends." is all he said before we drove away. I wonder who we are going to meet.


Wow, I wrote 3 chapters tonight... cool! ahahah Byiee (SHOUTOUT to Sydney and Melissa *not the characters, the real people* THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!!) lol im done now. k. byieee :) Ill update tomorrow :)

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