Chapter 13

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Hunter was rushed into the pediatric center. He was taken straight to a room of his own. The picked him up and put him into a metal crib. They pulled off his clothes so he was only in a diaper. His breathing was really off. They then stuck heart monitors on his chest , put a breathing tube in his nose, and then they put a hostpital bracelet on his ankle.

"Mrs..." the doctor said.

"Rose," I reply.

"Mrs.Rose, we are going to take a blood test for," he looked at the hospital bracelet on Hunter's leg, "Hunter. I think I may know what's wrong with him, but Id have to take a blood test first."

"How do you do a blood test on a baby?" I ask. "Do you just prick his finger or..."

"Its the same as an adult's blood test. I will send in a nurse to take it in ten minutes."

"Ok," I say looking at Hunter. I take his tiny hand in mine and he wrapped his fingers around mine. I sit with him like that until the guys walked in.

"Sam?" Niall said, "is everything okay? He walked over to me and put his arm around me.

"I don't know. THe doctor said he would send in a nurse to take a blood test."

"A blood test?" Harry asked.

"On a three month old?" Louis chimed in.

"Yea." I reply not moving my gaze from Hunter. Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry all sat down on a small couch by the window. Nobody said anything. The room was silent with the exception of the beeps of the machines Hunter was hooked up to. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, a nurse knocked on the door.

"COme in." All the guys chimed.

"Hello," the nurse said as she walked in the room, "Is this Hunter Rose's room?"

"Yes." I say to her.

"Ok," she said pulling in a cart with needles. "Can someone hold Hunter while I draw his blood?" I nod and pick him up, careful not to hurt him. I rest his head in the crook of my arm. The nurse gets out a needle and looks for a 'good' vein on Hunter's arm.

"Here," said the nurse,"hold him tight. when he feels a little pinch he may fidget." I hold Hunter tight in my arms as she pokes him with the needle. Immediately he starts to wail. Niall then went behind the nurse and made funny faces at Hunter. He started to stop crying, but then he started again. Then, the rest of the guys did the same. By the time his test was done, Hunter was giggiling so much.

"Ill be back with the results as soon as I can. It may take a while though."

"Ok, thank you." I say as she closes the door on her way out. I put Hunter back in the metal bed.

"Thanks guys." I say to the boys.

"For what?" Liam replied.

"For making him laugh." I try to smile but it doesn't come out right.

"Its our duty!" Louis said. Then, my mind literally exploded. I didn't ask what they were testing for! I ran out of the room to find a doctor. Niall followed.

"Excuse me." I said running twoards the doctor, "w-what are you testing Hunter for?" The doctor flipped through his notes and what he said shocked me.

"Leukemia." he said, and I broke down in Niall's arms.

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