Chapter 41

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I woke up to Niall staring at me and smiling.

"Morning birthday girl." He says, kissing my forhead.

"Morning." I say smiling, I turn around and look at the clock. Its already 10.

"Its 10?" I ask, "I gotta get Hunter." I say, jumping out of bed.

"Hes with Sydney and Harry." Niall said, "they took him from me." He laughed.

"Oh, ok." I say, "then, Im going to shower." I go and grab a t-shirt and out of the dresser.

"Sam," Niall says with a smirk on his face, "you won't be needing that shirt."

"What," I accidentally snap, "Oh, uh sorry, but what are you talking about though?" I ask, and he raches under the bed and grabs a box.

"This is for you babe." He says with a great big smile on his face. "Love you." I sit on the bed and take the gift.

"Thank you Niall, but, you didn't have to."

"Really," he says rolling his eyes, "I didn't have to? Then give it back! I'll return it." He jokes.

"Just kidding." I say, and then the door slams open. Everyone bursted into the room and jumped on the bed.

"DOG PILE!" I heard Sydney scream. I was expeccting this to happen. Its our tradition between Sydney, Melissa, and I.

"I KNEW THIS WAS COMING!" I laughed as I was squished with love. They all got up eventually.

"Happy Birthday to you..." They all sang, as I sat there awkawrdly smiling.

"Thanks you guys!" I say, "Who wants to see me open my present from Niall?" I ask.

"NO!" Sydney and Melissayell, "Open OURS FIRST!" They screamed, dragging a huge box into the room.

"W-what did you get?" I laughed.

"You'll see." Sydney winked. I went over to the box and opened the top. I looked in. THere were atleast 10 smaller boxes inside.

"Really guys?" I ask, "again witht is. YOu did this last year too."

"What did they do?" Harry asks.

"They wrap up really stupid things, like towels, and then hide the real present in one of the boxes."

"Haha!" MElissa yells, "Payback for moving here!" I rolled my eyes and started opening the boxes. I opened al of them and nothing was in any of them.

"WE TRICKED YOU!" Syd yells.

"This is your present" Melissa says, pulling a small box out of her pocket. I opened it and forun a little heart locket. I opened up the locket and inside, was a picture of the three of us and Hunter, the day he was born.

"Awee! You guys," I say tearing up, "Come here!" I hugged both of them for such a long time. "I love you so much!"

"HEre you go," HArry said handing me a box, "I didn't really know what to get you so Syd helped me choose."

"Thanks Haz, but you didn't have to." I say, opening the box. Inside was an Oozma Kappa backpack!

"THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOOOVE MONSTERS UNIVERSITY!" I said, jumping up and hugging him.

"No problemo muchacha!" He jokes.

"From me." Louis says, "I didn't need help." He winks at Harry. I open the small box, and see little gold dino earrings.

"Oh, thanks Louis!" I say hugging him. He hugs me back, and then Niall hands me a box.

"My turn." He says, kissing me. I take the box and open it up. I pull out a t-shirt and read it.

"I love Niall Horan." I laugh while reading it.

"You do?" He jokes, I love that guy too! Hes the craic!"

"Thanks Ni, I'll wear it today!" I say, "Now, if you all don't mind, I'd like to get dressed." I stand up.

"Well, actually," Niall says, I have one more present for you." Sydney hands Hunter to me and I take him. In the corner of my eye I see Harry take out a camera. Then, Niall hands me a bag. I reach in and grab what was inside. Antoher t-shirt.

"Future Mrs.Horan" I read aloud. I smile, and then, I see Niall get down on one knee. I put my hand over my mouth, shocked.

"Samantha, I know we havem't even been dating for a year, but, I love you and Hunter more than anything in the world. You are my everything. I wnat to be with you and Hutner for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"



So, I hope you guys liked it! There wil be a sequel to this :D When I start it, I will leave the link here and I'll post it on my page thingy :P Comment your opinions! Thanks so so so so so much guys! I love you all <3 Follow me on ...

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Love you all <3


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