Chapter 7

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I woke up in am empty bed. I turned my head to look at the clock 10:30 it read. Oh god, what about Hunter! He is probably starving and he needs a diaper change! I am such a horrible mother! I grabbed my crutcesand ran to his room expecting to see a crying baby, but to my surprise, there was no baby at all! Thats when I really panic. I search around the house and I can't find anyone. The last room I have to check is the living room. I rush there and what I see is amazing. Sydney and Melissa are still asleep on the floor and on the couch is Niall. He has Hunter in his arms and is singing to him. I tiptoe in and sit next to Niall.

"Morning princess." He says, not taking his eyes of of Hunter. Hunter's blue eyes are wide open and hes staring right at Niall.

"Can I have my son?" I said jokingly whil streching my arms out.

"No!" Ni scream whispered, " hes mine!"  He   pulls the bottle out of Hunter's mouth. Ni picked him up and placed him over his shoulder. He gently patted and rubbed tiny circles on Hunter's back. Hunter made this really cute burp/hiccup noise and Niall and I chuckled.After that, Niall finally gave em my son back.

"Hey baby," I said to my little boy, " I missed you!" Hunter giggled. It was adorable! I held him for a few minutes and then handed him back to Niall who was begging to hold him again. I walked over to where Sydney adn Mel were asleep on the floor and I ripped the blankets off of them.

"Get up lazy bones!" I screamed. They both slowly sat up and moaned.

"Let us sleep" Sydney said half asleep.

"Ya!" Melissa yelled.

"NO!" I yelled back, "Its now 11 and you two have to go to the animal shelter.  Remember?" Last week they signed up to do community service. They weren't required to do it, but they are just that nice. As soon as I said that they sprung up and ran to their rooms.

"That got them up fast." Niall said laughing.

"I knew it would." I smiled.

"So," Niall said, " Are you busy today?"

"Yea," I said, "Well no, not really. I have no plans, but I have Hunter."

"Thats ok!" Niall smiled, "I was hoping you would say that."

"WHy?" I said scratching my head.

"Well, I was hoping You, Hunter, and I could spend some time together. Well, uh if thats okay with you." He has twirling his fingers.

"THats sounds great!" I replied jumping up." Let me go get Hunter and Me ready."

"Ok," Niall said standing up, pulling his phone out of his pocket, "I gotta call the boys. Ill see you soon." I was about to go get ready, but my phone rang.

*On the phone*

Me(M)- Hello?

Doctor(D)- Hi, is this Samantha?

M- Yes it is, can I help you?

D- Well, Ive got some good news and some bad news.

M-Bad news first.

D- OYur foot is broken, But the good news is, I can get a cast on you today, and you won't need to be on crutches anymore!

M-Okay, thanks

D- Be here at 1 and Ill put it on for you. See you then Bye.


*Off the phone*

"Niall!" I called ," he came running in.

"Babe! I s everything oaky?"

"Yea, but my foot is broken and I have to be at the doctors at 1. Sorry, I guess I am busy."

"Ill go with you!" He said, "I can take care of Hunt for ya!"

"Are you sure?"

"Postive!" He replied with a huge grin. " I love this little guy!" He pinched Hunter's cheek and he giggled. "OOOOO and can I dress him? I went out this morning and got him an outfit!"

"No you didn't" I yelled at him. He took Hunter out of my arms.

"Oh yes I did!" He said taking my son to his room. I went to my room to get ready. I placed my phone on my dresser. I got some clothes and when I went to go in the bathroom to get changed, my phone started ringing. I picked it up... it was a blocked number.

"Hello?" I said and as soon as the person replied, I knew I was in trouble


Hahhaahaha suspence!!!

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