Chapter 39

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I woke up the next morning at 8. Niall was already awake, but Hunter was still sleeping. I turned around so I was facing Niall.

"Morning" he says as he flashes a smile. His eyes were glowed a beautiful.and happy ocean blue.

"Morning." I say back and he kisses my forehead. I sit up in bed but Niall pulls me down.

"Ive got to get everything ready Ni." I say.

"Please just lay with me for five minutes. I promise I'll let you go after."

"Fine." I mumble, and climb back into his arms. We lay there for a bit and then he finally let me go. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I flip the light switch on and turn on the shower. I peel off my clothes and climb in. I was my hair and body and I turn the shower off. I pull the curtain open ans scream.

"AHHHNIALLL!" I scream, pulling the curtain over my bare body.

"Oh MY GOD!" Niall says that he covers his eyes.

" GET OUT!" I yell and he runs to the door, misses, and hits the wall. I laugh and he finds the door. He shuts it and I hear him say sorry from the other side. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself. I walk out of the bathroom and Niall was sitting on the bed it was his face all red.

"Sorry babe." He said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Its ok. Can you take Hunter out so I can get dressed?"

"Sure." He says and he takes Hunter and walks out of the room. I put on a t-shirt and jeans and then walk out into the kitchen. Everybody's up and eating breakfast.

" Morning." I say to everybody.

" Morning" they reply. I sit down and Colidagh hands me a plate with eggs and bacon on it.

" Thank you" , I say putting a forkful of eggs in my mouth. Everybody is quiet during breakfast. About 9 everybody else goes up and get dressed. They're all done at 9:30.

" Ready to go?" Niall asks everybody.

" Yep."Louis says, " Sydney Melissa and Harry are going to drive with me."

"Colidagh and I are going to drive together." Paul says.

" Okay good. We'll meet you there?" Niall says.

"Yupp." Everyone says, and we all go out to the cars. The ride to the hospital in about half an hour and when we got there was surrounded by paparazzi. Our 3 cars pulled into a parking lot across the street. We ran across the road and got to the hospital without anybody noticing us

We walked to the elevator and all got on. Niall pressed the button and we go up. The pediatric area was really cute. When you first got there, there was a door that had a rainbow painted on it. Niall opened it and we all followed him in. I kissed Hunter's cheek.

"Mwah!" Hunt exaggerated as he kissed my cheek back.

"Ill go sign him in." Niall says. Everyone sits down.

"Ok." I say. I sit down and put Hunter on my lap. He plays with my hair and then Niall comes back.

"They said the doc will be out in a minute." He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Can I get a picture of my two loves?"

"Yea!" Louis yells as he grabs Hunter from my arms."

"Wha-" I say.

"Hunt say cheese! " Louis says.

"Cheeee" Hunter giggles. I laugh and Niall snaps a picture.

"Now, can I please have a picture of my OTHER love with Hunter?" Niall jokingly asks.

"But of course!" Louis huffs as he hands Hunter to me. "But remember, you love me more." He winks. I position Hunter on my lap so that he is facing Niall. Niall stretches his arm out and tickels Hunters side. He giggles and he snaps the picture.

"Its cute!" Niall says as he turns the screen to me.

"It is." I smile, "send it to me." He nods and then a nurse comes through the door.

"Hunter?" She asks, and everyone stands up. "Oh, uh, sorry but only 4 people beside the patient can be in the room." She says.

"Sam, Niall," Harry says, "Lou and I dont mind if we stay out."

"Colidagh and I can stay out here too." Paul says.

"Ok," I say, "Hunt, Aunt Mel and Aunt Syd are going to come with us!" He claps his hands.

"Follow me", the nurse says and we all follow her in. She leads us down a light sky blue hallway. Each door has an animal on it. " You'll be in here." She says as she opens a door with a blue elephant on it. We all go in.

"The doctor will be in soon." She says and leaves the room. Sydney and Melissa sit on the couch and look out the window.

"Paparazzi are still here." Melissa says.

"I know." I say," but its ok. As long as no one gets hurt."

"Yea." Niall says taking Hunter from me. He places him on the bed in the room. Hunter stands up and puts his hands on Niall's chest.

"So," Niall says focusing on Hunter, " Hunt is getting pretty strong on his feet, when do you think he will start walking?"

"Soon, but when he does, get ready to chase after him even more." We all laugh, and so does Hunter. When Niall asked about that, it made me recollect the past few months. Hunter was born in September, and then I met Niall in October. I remember how I broke my ankle on our first date. Then, we had our interview together. The day Hunter was diagnosed. Then, our huge Thanksgiving with everyone. And then on Christmas when Niall asked me to move in with him. And January when we kissed at midnight. I remember when Hunter started crawling and the long nights he was up teething. On Valentine's Day when Ni got me 2 dozen roses. And when Niall dressed up like a Leprichaun for St. Patty's day and scared Hunter. That was the best though I felt bad for Hunt. I remember how Niall smashed pies in Harry and Louis' faces on April Fools Day. Then when Niall got in the car accident. That was horrible but I'm glad he got through it. I remember the night we got our puppy mouse (who is now a giant). I remember the day we moved here, which was also the night he cheated on me. Now, its July and everything is better. Hunter is trying to talk but is basically just making noises. Niall and I have been dating for 10 months now. I know it doesn't sound long, but it feels like forever for me. I got so lost in thought I didn't notice the doctor come in. I guess I was talking because he did the procedure and left!

"Wow..." I said, and everyone looked confused at me.

"What?" They ask.

"I-im glad this is over." I smile.

"We all are." Niall says. The doctor comes back in.

"Im am very glad to say that Hunter is now, "he pauses, "cancer free." I jump into the air and pick up Hunter.

"I love you Hunter. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I kiss him and I hug the doctor.

"Thankyou" I say, and we all leave. That night we celebrated by eating lots of cake and ice cream. Also, Niall and I decided to do a twitcam tomorrow.


OMG GUYS IM SOOOO SORDY I DIDNT UPDATE SOONER!! i feel really bad but im on my phone and its annoying to type. Bit guess what! I went and saw 1d on the 6th and I got FREE tickets to secton A!!!! It was cool ans niall winked at me!!!! Ok, so again im sorry :p

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