Chapter 26

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I sat on the couch gripping Niall's hand. We are both so excited that Hunter is going to be okay. Hunter is on the floor playing with his stuffed elephant. Niall got him the elephant when Hunter was at a chemo session. The best part about it, and the worst, is when you hug it, it says "I love Hunty!" When he first stsrted playing with it, it was cute. Now, it can be really annoying. I get up to get some water when the doorbell rings. I walk over to the door and look through the peep hole. Liam and Zayn are out there. I open the door.

"Hi guys! How are you? Come on in!" I say hugging each of them.

"Hey guys!" Zayn says, but Liam goes straight to Hunter passing everyone.

"Hey Hunt!" Liam says picking him up. Hunter laughs and takes Liam's snapback off. Liam puts it on Hunters head and we all laugh."I got something for you, little man." He puts Hunter down and goes out into the hallway.

"Whats he doing?" I mouth to Zayn. He smirks.

"You'll see." He winks and then Liam pulls a box with small holes into the apartment.

"Open it!" Liam says to Hunter. Then, Hunter crawls up to it and starts to tear the paper. When He pulled the paper down I shreiked with joy.

"Liam!" I scream joyfully and hug him. He hugs me tightly back. "You got us a puppy! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" I hug him more, then I turn to Niall.

"Ni! Did you know about this?" I ask and he smiles and nods."But, how?"

"Well," He says, "I know that you wanted a pet, but I knew we couldn't have one in the appartment. When I found out that we had to move out, I was estatic. Well, not because we had to move out, but becuase I could get you a puppy! I called Liam and Zayn up and told them to pick up this pup Ive been looking at." He picks the puppy up in his arms,"He isn't going to be this small for long. Hes a Great Dane." He puts the dog down and I run up to him and jump into his arms.I can't believe he knew I wanted a Dane! I wrap my legs around his waist and stay there.

"I love you so much Ni." I bury my face into the crook of his neck. He kisses my head. I jump down and go to my new puppy.

"Hey Hunt?" I say, "do you like the puppy?" He claps his handsand laughs. "What should we name him?" I look at Niall and he shrugs.

"Well, hes your puppy." Liam says. I look at the dog and think. He is really playful and looks happy. HEs small now, but he will be a giant.

"Mouse." I say without hesitation, "lets name him mouse."

"I like it." Niall says. He goes to Mouse, "Hi mouse! Im your daddy, thats your mommy, and this is your big brother Hunter!" Mouse then walks over to Hunter and licks his face. Hunter giggles and everyone else laughs. We all started playing with Mouse when everyone else showed up.

"HOLY POOP DUCKS!" Melissa screamed when she saw Mouse.

"Niall!" Sydney yelled, "you actually got him! I didn't think you'd go through with it!"

"Wait," I say, "they knew too?"

"yup!" Sydney said popping the 'p'.

"Did you too also know?" I said looking at Harry and Louis. The both nodded. I laughed.

"You fooled me this time Horan, but you're next!" I wink at him and he puts his hands up in defense, joking around. 

"Now that we obsessed ove the dog," Louis said, "can we go partaaaaaayy?" 

"If you call going out to eat pizza partaaaaaying, then yes, lets go." Niall laughed. I put Mouse in the cage Liam got for him and we all left. Liam and Zayn drove with Niall, Hunter, and I and the others drove together. We went to Pizza Hut for dinner. When we got there, everyone climbed out of the cars and went inside. Whe had the people put two tables together so we could sit together. A few fans stopped to take pictures with the guys. Some even asked for pictures with all of us. It was nice. We ordered five pies. Plain, Hawiaan, pepperonni, onion, and olives. Everyone was glad with what we got, except for Sydney and Harry. They both think that olives are satin's children. While we ate,I whispered to Niall that we should tell everyone. He agreed and the two of us stood up. Everyone put a confused look on their faces. Niall picked Hunter up and handed to me. I took him in my arms and Hunter latched to my neck. I rubbed his head which hand no hair on it. I looked at his face, he was so pale. Im glad this is ending.

"Today," Niall said, "we got a call from Hunter's doctor." Everyone looked conserened."We have some shocking news."

"Well," I say hugging Hunter, "the doctor said that in July," I wipe a tear from my eye, "Hunter will be cancer free." Everyone jumped up and screamed with joy. Sydney and Melissa were crying. The guys didn't cry, but you could tell they were trying hard not to. I was so glad we told everyone. It was perfect. I was estatic. The rest of the night went really well. We met up with Paul becuase people wanted another interview with Niall, Hunter, and I. We set it up for the day after Hunter's last chemo session. Also, Niall and I decided that Hunter and I would be going on tour with the boys. SO are Sydney and Melissa. I also decided that I would call my parents. But, I don't think that will be so easy. Everyone went home and we all slept well that night. The only thing worrying me was my parents and calling them. I haven't talked to them in  a year and a half. Tommorow morning Ill do it, I told myslef, tomorrow.

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