Chapter 5

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Wow, he kissed me. Amazing, epic, extraordinary, brilliant, fabulous, i dont even know what Im saying! I never felt this way before. Not even with the father of my child. Its weird saying that ,but its true. I was about to say something but the doctors walked in.

"Hello miss," he looked at his clipboard, " Samantha. So what brings you here today?" I looked at Niall. I always get nervous around doctors and make sure the people with me answer the questions.

"She fell ice skating." Niall answered the doctor.

"HEY!" I barked, " I WAS PUSHED!" Niall chuckled and turned back to the doctor.

"Where did you fall?" The doctor asked.

"My ankle". I pointed to it. Then the doctor took my shoe-uh skate off.(yea, i still had my skates on.) He took a look at my black and blue swollen ankle.

"Were going to take an X-ray" the doctor said while he scribbled something on his notepad, "the nurse will be in to get you soon." Before I could say anything he was out the door.

"So,uhm" Niall fake coughed, "you think its broken?" He looked down at my foot.

"Maybe. All I know is that it hurts like a bunny!" I giggled.

"A-a bunny??" Niall questioned.

"Duh!" I replied, "Its a habbit. I censor myself without even trying! Its fudging annoying! " Niall laughed at me.

"You did it again!" Now we were both cracking up. Then the nurse walked in and told me we were going to the X-ray room. Niall pushed me out of my room and onto an elevator.

"Level 4 please" the nurse said and Niall pressed the button. The elevator ride was slow. It felt like we were in it forever.

"The room you need to be in is three doors down and on your left." The nurse said walking away. Ni opened the door and then pushed my in. He shut the door and we waited for futher instructions. We waited for about ten minuites when the docotor finally came in.

"Here," the  said tossing a blue apron looking thing to me, "put this on, and take off any metal things you have on." I nodded my head and the doctor walked out. I looked at Niall.

"What?" He giggled.

"Get out!" I joked. He got up and shuffeled to the door. Before leaving, he turned around and stuck his tounge out at me. Hes such a child. I changed into my "arpon" and invited Niall back to the room. We waited another ten minuets until the doctor brought me to the X-ray area.

"Wait here." He told Niall, "We will be back in a few." He pushed my weelchair to a small dark room. I got up onto a table and he took X-rays of my foot and ankle. I went back to the room where Niall was at. He didn't realize I was there because he was on his phone.

"Earth to Ni!" I yelled trying to get his attention.

"Oh, uh, yea." He said scxratching th back of his head. " I was just repling to fans on twitter."

"Okay," I replied rolling my eyes, "Now, Get out of here! I gotta get changed!" He walked out and I got changed again. I wheeled out of the room where I was. We were about to leave when a nurse came up to us.

"Here," she said handing me a pair of crutches, "the doctor isn't sure if its broken yet, but he said to keep your foot elevated and to stay off of it until he can get you into a cast or treat it."

"Ok," I replied," Thanks." I used the crutches and started to go to the exit.  Niall and I stepped outside and were swarmed by papparazzi. I got worried and froze. Im so shy and I didn't know what to do. Out of nowhere Ni picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. He place me in and buckled me in. He shut the door and quickly and got to the drivers side. He started the car and before he pulled out, he kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you, everything will  be okay".

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