Chapter 8

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My clock alarmed at 5:00 am. I got up quickly, went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. At 6:oo am, I was already in my uniform, almost ready to go to school. My phone beeped. It was a message from my sister, Alice. "Good luck on your first day Gab! I love You!" It made me smile.

I knocked at Zayn's room hoping he was already awake. I put my ear closer to the door. I can't hear any movements. I opened it and I found him still sleeping peacefully.

I shook him. "Sir...Sir...Wake up now...Wake up." Instead of getting up, he turned his back on me. I went downstairs and got a glass of cold water then I returned to his room. He was already in a supine position.

"Sir...Come on." I begged. When I looked at my watch, it was already 15 minutes pass 6. "Sir...Sir!" You don't want to get up huh? Wait a minute.

I splashed the cold water on his face. "What was that for??!" He yelled sitting up automatically. "That's it! You are awake now...sir!" I replied controlling my laugh. "Faster sir or else we're going to be late." I muttered.


This girl just splashed cold water on my face. It's still 6:15 yet she was already in her uniform. Our uniform looked like (Beside)We wear it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

"Faster sir or else we're going to be late." She muttered. "Okay Okay! Get out now!" I exclaimed going to the bathroom.

I quickly took a bath and dressed up. I went downstairs. "Eat your breakfast now sir...quickly." She muttered tapping her watch with her finger. Just as she said, I munched up my food fast. At exactly 7, we were ready.

I went to my car and started up the engine. "Hey, where are you going? Come now." I exclaimed. "No sir...Thanks but I'm going to take the bus. She replied. "Fine! See you at school." I muttered then drove off.

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