Chapter 22

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"Gail, I'll take you home." Niall said to me. "No Niall. I'm fine." I answered. "I insist. You are safer with me Gail." He replied. I stared at his face. I could see the concern in his eyes. I didn't protest. 

We were walking on the parking lot when I did not notice a stone that's why I tripped. Gladly I regained my balance. "Ohh! Careful Gail!" Niall exclaimed. I let out a shy smile. Why am I so stupid?!

When we reached his car, he opened the door for me. "Thank you!" I muttered. He smiled. "What's your address here Gail?" He asked. "Uhm...#24 East side St." I answered. 

"Mr. Smith, let's drive her home please." He said to his driver. Mr. Smith started the car then drove off. 

After saying that to the driver, he already put his iPod on then closed his eyes. Silence filled the air. I just stared at his face looking at his perfect nose, cute lips, and amazing hair. I was enjoying looking at his face.

He was the first guy who invited me to go out. My thoughts went away when he suddenly opened his eyes and caught me staring at him. "Anything wrong?" He asked astonished. Oh shoot!!!

What am I going to say?? What am I going to say?! I looked away instantly. "Uh----uh---No---nothing Niall." I stammered.

"Oh alright!" He replied back. After few minutes, "Here we are sir." The driver said. "Mr. Smith? Don't call me sir...Niall will do." He replied. "Al---alright Ni---Niall." The driver said hesitantly. "That's better." He smiled.

"Here you go Gail." Niall turned to me. I smiled. "Thank you Mr. Smith." I told the driver. "You're welcome Ma'am." He replied. "Thanks Niall." I said to him. I didn't wait for his reply. I opened the door and got out of the car.

"Hey! Wait!" Ha half-shouted. I turned around. "I'll walk you home to be sure you're safe." He said. "It's just a couple of walks Niall." I said smiling. 

"And so? What if you stumble again?" He said copying my "tripping over moment". I laughed at him. He's really cute. He laughed with me too.


After couple of walks, we reached Gail's house. It looked like this

. "You got a cool house Gail!" I exclaimed. "Yours is better Niall. I know!" She responded. "By the way, thanks for inviting me and thanks for the ride." She added smiling. 

I smiled at her. Her smile made me want to smile too. "You're welcome Gail." I said. When the car was already near her house, I said my goodbye to her. "Bye Gail! Goodnight!" 

"Goodnight too Niall. Bye. Take care!" She replied. I went to the car then we already got going.


We waited for 5 minutes for the bus. We sat on the 3rd seat on the driver's side. "Harry, you shouldn't have come with me. It's embarrassing for me letting you ride a bus. are so rich you know...I know you are not used to it." I said to him.

He smiled. "No...It's fine Gabby. I want to try things, really." He replied. WoW! Impressive. Harry is a down to earth guy. 

He got something on his bag. "You want?" He said opening his hand full of chocolate minis. I picked one and opened it. Moments after, the kid in front turned at us. "Woooo! You are Harry Styles right??? The owner of the biggest chocolate company here!" The kid exclaimed.

Harry hushed him. "Just a secret okay?" He said. The kid nodded. "Good boy! Here take this." He said giving him a handful of chocolates. He is nice to kids. I'm really amazed. 

When we reached the second stop, there were lots of passengers. I noticed an old woman standing. I searched for an empty seat but they were all taken. 

Just then, Harry stood up and helped the old woman carry her belongings. "Ma'am you can take my seat." He said smiling. "Thank you dear." The woman replied.

The woman sat beside me. "Hi...Is he your boyfriend?" She asked. "N---no ma'am. He's a friend." I replied overwhelmed by his question. 

"It all starts from there. If he ever courted you, don't let him go. He got the looks and the attitude honey. I know he is a good guy." She replied. I don't know what to say.

"Thanks Ma'am." I smiled. Just then, Harry looked at me then smiled. I was mesmerized. Why does he have that perfect smile?

1. Habby or Zabby?

2. Any couple names for Niall and Gail?? 

3. Is Gabby already falling for Harry?

4. Which is your favorite part?

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