Chapter 31

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Sorry guy's..!! I have to many home work..!! And last week i had exam... I planed that i upload this chapter last week.. but my mum ... Yee.. You guy's know.. Im a littel stupid (but not that stupid) in class... So i hope you guy's enjoy my story and keep reading...^^.. By the way, i upload double chapter todayy..:)


"Come on Zayn!" She shouted. "What? To the playground?" I answered. Oh men! This is not what I expected. I walked slowly towards her.

"What? You don't like it here?" She asked. "Not that I don't like. But we are not kids anymore." I replied. "Oh come on Zayn! When was the last time you ever stepped on a playground?" She asked looking deeply in my eyes.

"Uhmm..." I muttered. "See? You don't even remember. Learn to enjoy things Zayn. Being a child is one of the most memorable stages in an individual's life." She replied. 

"Come. Sit here on the swing." She said. I swallowed hard before sitting on it. When I sat down, she began pushing it. "My parents used to do this when we were kids." She said.

"We have our family day every Sunday. We used to go here. On this playground." She added. I looked at her and I noticed her eyes were teary. 

I stood up and went in front of her. "Don't be sad Gabrielle. I am here..Remember?" I muttered. She smiled a little. "Thank you so much Zayny!" She replied. Her happy smile was visible again on her face.

"Let's have a race. See that monkey bars over there?" I exclaimed. "Uhuh!" She replied. "On three! 1...2...3..GO!" I shouted.

I ran as fast as I could. I was the first one to go to that place. "I never thought you really run that fast!" She exclaimed gasping for air. I laughed. "You haven't seen the best of me yet Gabby." I joked.

"OUT!" She exclaimed and began running. "Come on Zayn! Try to chase me! This is how to play this game!" She added. "Okay!!! Run for your life Gabrielle! Hot and sexy Zayn is coming!" I yelled.

She was giggling so hard. I was able to chase her. "OUT!" I shouted and run as fast as I could to get away from her. "Come on and get me Gabby!" I shouted laughing.

Minutes after, she still couldn't chase me. "Zayn! Come on! Let me chase you!" She pleaded. "You run fast! It's unfair!" She protested. What she said made me laugh more.

"Alright. You won!!! I give up. I'm too tired!" She added sitting on the ground. I walked towards her.

"Hey...I'm glad I won!" I teased. "You run slow a turtle!" I teased again. She laughed. "You are really rude Mr. Malik!" She bellowed. 

After few minutes of sitting, I stood up. "Are we going now? Uhm...Can we take a rest for a few minutes? I'm still tired." She said with those puppy eyes.

I squat in front of her. "Ride on my back." I said. I can sense that she is hesitating. "You are not that heavy are you?" I giggled. She giggled too. She stood up and rode on my back.

Wow. This was the first time our bodies were close like this. I really feel great inside. I can't explain my feelings right now. "Zayn, let's sit on that bench." She said pointing at the bench near the seesaw.

When we were already sitting, "Uhm...Zayn, exams starts in a week so we need to start reviewing tomorrow." She exclaimed while wiping her sweat. "What? Tomorrow? It's too early Gabby. Can we just start the night before?" I protested.

"That's cramming Zayn. Do we have a deal?" She responded. "Uhmmm....Alright...Fine...Deal!" I exclaimed. Tsss... It's too early.

"Zayn, I want to thank you for everything." She said looking at me. "Uhm...I should be the one thanking you Gabby. Thank you for tonight. This is my first time...I mean...I consider this my first time in a playground." I replied.

"What? Are you serious?" She asked. "Uhm...This is the first time that I really enjoyed playing in a playground. When I was a kid, my nanny doesn't allow me to play here because according to her, I might get hurt. I envied those little kids playing carefree. But I understand my nanny, she was just being protective of me. I envy you Gabby..." I stated reminiscing my past.

"What? What do you mean?" She asked. "About the swing thing...Uhm...My parents never did that to me. They were always busy about business. Uhm...Thank you for making me a kid once more." I replied.

She smiled and got closer to me. She put her hand on top of mine. "Anything for you Zayn. Uhm...Don't worry..I'll be the one doing it to you from now on." She said pinching my cheek.

"Thank you so much Gabby! I enjoyed this night." I exclaimed. "Me too Zayn.. Me too." She responded.

This night was a night worth remembering. She is an amazing girl. I want to have her in my life.

Q1: Cute chapter? Bad Chapter?

Q2: What would be the best date for ZABBY?

Q3: Favorite part? LOL :)

Q4: What would be Harry's reaction when he finds out about Zabby's Night Out?

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