Chapter 20

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I was walking in the hallway with my iPod on. I sang along with it. When I reached the room, I noticed I was still the only one. I looked at my watch, it was still 6:40 AM. Weew! I'm really early. I'm proud to say that I am an early riser. I hate being late.

Moments after, I heard the door creaked open. I turned around to see who it was. It was Gail.

Her eyes widened , maybe startled to see me. "Hi Gail!" I exclaimed waving my right hand. She let out a shy smile. "Hello Niall! Good morning." She responded going to her chair.

After putting her bag, she came to me. "Ni---Niall, here's your umbrella and your hoodie. Thank you so much." She said handling them to me.

"You're welcome Gail." I replied putting them inside my bag. She just smiled. I could feel that she is shy.

After that, she already sat on her chair. Just then, Gabby came.

"Morning Niall!" She exclaimed. "Good morning beauty!" I responded giving her a high five. 

"Oh hi Gail!" She turned to her. "Hi Gab!" She said. Hmmm. I think she is comfortable with Gabby. "Come" Gabby muttered grabbing her hand.

"Gail, this is Niall. Niall this is Gail." Gabby said introducing us to each other. I smiled. "Actually Gab, we know each other." I replied. Gail giggled. Wow! This is the first time I saw her like this.

"Oh! Alright!!! Can you at least shake hands??" Gabby said smiling. I laughed. "Sure!" I exclaimed. I offered my hand to Gail then she shook it.

Few minutes later, Zayn came. "Hi guys!" He exclaimed/ "Looks like we have a new friend!" He said pertaining to Gail. 

"She's Gail mate." I said. "Hi Gail! I'm Zayn." He said extending his hand. Gail shook it. 

"Hello Gabby!" He exclaimed poking Gabrielle on the side. "Zayn!!" Gabby exclaimed slapping Zayn's arm. Zayn giggled. Gabby laughed too. They looked cute together. 

When they were sitting together, Gabby was reading and Zayn was playing with her hair. "Stop it Zayn!" Gabby demanded then continued reading. 

Instead of stopping, Zayn continued to do it. Gabby elbowed Zayn for him to stop. "Aww! Why did you do that?" Zayn protested. "It's for you to stop Mister!" Gabby replied. They really looked funny.

When Harry came, he said good morning to us then he pinched Gabby's cheeks. Zayn's facial expression instantly changed. He turned from laughing to silent. 

Hmm.. Is there something I don't know? It's obvious that Harry likes Gab. But Zayn? I don't think so.. He got a lot of girls. He can even get them with just a blink of an eye.

"Good morning too curly!" Gabby exclaimed to Harry messing up Harry's hair. Harry can't take off the smile on his face. 

As far as I know, he doesn't want someone ruining his perfect curls. But with Gabby? He was totally different.

"Have you read our reading assignment Gabby?" Harry asked her holding his book. "Yup!" Gabrielle nodded. 

"Oh shoot! I forgot!" Louis exclaimed. His eyes widened. "Oh no! Me too!" Zayn said. He turned to Gabby. "Gab, can I borrow your book?" He asked. 

"You have your own book Mister." She snapped. "I forgot it!" Zayn answered. "Say the magic word first." Gabby demanding with a smirk on her face. Zayn scratched hi head. "Please!"

"Yay! He said please!" Gabby teased poking Zayn's side. "Alright. Here." She handed the book to Zayn. He then sat on his chair and began reading.

"Where is Liam?" I asked myself. It's nearly time. I called him. After few seconds, he answered.

"Where are you??!" I said. "I'm sorry mate! I woke up late. I'm coming!" He replied.

After 3 minutes, the door swung open revealing Liam gasping for air. "Thank God you're here!" I exclaimed. 

He was breathing so fast. "Liampie, drink." Zayn said giving him a bottle of water. He nearly drank the entire bottle. 

"You are not thirsty, are you?" Zayn joked with his eyebrows furrowed. "No I'm not!" Liam exclaimed smiling. "Thanks mate!" He said.


When I looked at Gabby and Harry, they were reviewing each other. Alright, alright. They were the ones who read comprehensively.

It seems that Harry was enjoying being with Gabby. When he's with her, his eyes twinkle. 

He always smiles. I think he likes her.....does he? No...Harry acts like that to all girls!

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