Chapter 13

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When I opened the door, I was shocked of what I saw. My eyes went wide open, Big Time! Zayn was with a girl in the living room and the girl was on top of him! The girl was the one who was about to kiss him at school.

"Go get a room guys!" I shouted so loud. The girl immediately stood up and so with Zayn. Her hair was messy. Instead of being serious, Zayn was smirking.

"I sho---should be going home now." The girl muttered. She kissed Zayn's cheek and strode off. It seemed that this Zayn Malik boy was enjoying it.

I shook my head. Without saying anything, I went upstairs. I didn't expect that this is what I'm going to see when I get home. That girl was not even his girlfriend!


When Sheena kissed me on the cheek, Gab's eyebrows furrowed. She sounded so serious and she looked angry. I smiled. It feels so great to annoy her. "Dinner is ready sir!" She shouted.

I closed the magazine that I was reading and went to the dining room and sat on my chair. "Juice or chocolate drink sir?" She asked. "Juice." I answered. I saw her made face at me. She opened the fridge. I stood up and went behind her back. 

When she turned around, she screamed. Of course she was shocked! I quickly got the juice on her hand and laid it on the table. "You are mad at me, aren't you?" I asked her. "No...No sir. I'm not." She replied not looking at me with the why-are-you-asking-me-that sort of expression.

I came near her. Our bodies were only inches apart now. I put my hands around her waist. "Do you want it too?" I muttered with a smirk on my face.

"What are you talking about?!" She exclaimed pushing me away. I smiled. She looked really annoyed. I'm really good I know! Haha!

After having my dinner, I went to the living room and watched a movie. I knew she was washing the dishes because glasses and plates were clattering. I have an idea!! *Cling*

I sneaked to the kitchen without making any sound. I stoop down and exclaimed "RAWR!" while pinching her leg. She was so startled. She screamed so loud. The glass she was holding flew into the air, thank God I was able to catch it.

"What was that for??!!" She exclaimed. She looked really mad at me. I wasn't able to control my laugh. I laughed so hard. She bit her lip and walked out. "Hey Miss, wait!" I said grabbing her arm.

"What is it....sir?" She replied back. "Why are you mad?" I asked. "You're asking me that sir? Think first of what you did." She uttered. "Is this because of what happened awhile ago?" I replied. 

"Exactly. I don't have the right to say this sir but please be responsible with your own actions. What would your mum think when she finds out? And what if...what if I didn't come home earlier maybe something...something like that already happened." She explained.

"What something like that?" I joked. "Oh you know what I mean Mister!" She replied back rolling her eyes. I laughed. "What if she got pregnant? What would your mum think of me? That I'm not doing my job?" She added.

"We didn't do it okay? So chill. You have nothing to worry." I replied back. "Alright sir..sorry...I shouldn't have acted this way." She apologized. "It's okay." I replied back. 

She continued washing the dishes. Me? I went straight to the living room and dropped my body on the sofa. I don't get why she acted like that. She was the one who was having a good time with Harry during the group activity this morning.

They were busy talking and laughing at the same time. I don't even know what's funny in their conversation. And now she was acting like this? She doesn't have the right, this is my life in the first place. But I do understand her. 

My thoughts went away when I heard a phone ringing. Definitely not my phone maybe it's hers. Hello! The two of us only live here alone. I searched for it and I found it on the table near the door.

Because I got curious, I looked who the caller was. The picture of Harry was on the screen. Why would Harry call her? I answered it. 

"Hello? Gabby?" He muttered. "Hey mate. It's Zayn." I answered back. "Hi...Hi Zayn. Please don't be mad at her. I invited her for a snack that's why she came home late. We didn't kept track on the time. Please be nice to her please!" Harry exclaimed.

"I'm not mad mate. Don't worry." I replied. "Okay Zayn. Thank You!" He muttered then hung up. 

They went out huh??? What the?! She didn't even tell me she went out with Harry!!

****Comment&Vote.. Thanks for reading guys!
****Zayn? or Harry?
****What do you think will happen next? 

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