Chapter 21

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"Lee, can we go and have a snack?" Niall asked rubbing his stomach with his puppy dog eyes. I acted as if I disagree. "Uhm..." I said. "Please Liam!!!!" He half-shouted. I laughed.

"Of course!! I won't let my Niall starve to death!" I replied back. "Oh thank you brother!!" He exclaimed kissing me on the cheek. Niall...Niall...Such a sweet one.

When the professor already dismissed us, I asked the guys if they want to come. "Guys! Do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"Where?" Zayn asked. "To the food house!" Niall answered looking so excited. "Alright mate!" He answered. "We'll come too!" Harry said looking at Louis.

I saw Harry walking towards Gabby who was putting her books inside her bag. "Gab, do---do you want to come with us? the food house." Harry asked.

She looked at her watch..."Uhm...I can't Harry.." She replied with an I'm-so-sorry-look. "Just come Gabby. I'm coming too." Zayn butt in.

She smiled. "Alright. The boss said it." She joked giving Zayn a slap on the shoulder. "Aww!" You always do that!" Zayn replied rubbing his shoulder. 


"Mate, can I ask Gail too?" Niall asking permission like a little kid. Liam gave a fake cough while smiling. Niall elbowed him.

"Of course Niall! Why not?!" I responded. After I said that, he went rushing to Gail.

I began to laugh when Harry kept on rubbing my back softly. There is something in his rub. It tickles me to death. "Oh stop it Harry!!!" I snapped. He was laughing.

"Hey, you---you going home now?" Niall asked. "Uhm...Yeah..I guess." Gail replied back. "Maybe you want to join us. Gabby is coming too." Gail smiled. "Okay. Thanks Niall." She replied.

As we were walking towards the table near the counter, we saw a bunch of girls from our school. "Hi boys!!" One of them exclaimed. 

Because we are modest, we smiled at them. I saw the way they looked at Gabrielle and Gail. It's as if they want to rip them apart.

When we reached the table, Harry pulled the chair for Gabby. "Thanks Harry!" She said smiling. "My pleasure Gabby." He replied with his ever gorgeous smile. 

That Harry Styles makes his moves to impress girls again. Harry. Harry. Harry.

"Hey! Are you not gonna pull my chair too?" I joked. "You can do it yourself sexy!!" He joked back slapping my butt. I flickered. The rest of the guys began laughing.


"Thanks Harry." Gab exclaimed when Harry pulled the chair for her. "My pleasure Gabby!" Harry responded with his annoyingly gorgeous smile.

We were seated this way: Harry, Gabby, Liam, and Louis were sitting on one side. On the other side, it was me, Gail, and Niall.

"Order anything you want guys, my treat!" Niall exclaimed. "Oh yeah!" Louis replied giving him a high five.

The waitress came and took our orders. We ordered twister fries, tower burgers, ice creams, and sodas except for Liam who ordered pineapple juice.

When our orders came, right time! My stomach began to rumble. Harry gave Gabrielle her food. She smiled at him. Louis gave a fake cough. Harry tapped his back.

"Careful boobear!" He said giving Louis a signal to stop doing it. Louis understood it then smiled.

"Gail, here's your food." Niall said to Gail. "Thank You Niall!" Gail replied.

"Zayn!" I stopped observing when I heard Gabby say my name. She handed me a burger and fries. I smiled instantly. "Thank you Gabrielle!" I uttered taking a bite.

She gave me a wink. I nearly choked with my food when she did that. She really knows how to make me smile.


After 30 minutes, we all finished our food. Stomach progress! When I looked at my watch, it was already 7:30. "Guys, it's already 7:30!" I alarmed them. 

"Oh yeah. It is!" Liam said checking on his watch. "Let's go now!" Louis said grabbing his bag.

When we stepped outside the food house, "Going to take the bus Gabby?" Harry asked. "Yeah." Gab replied. "I'm coming with you." Harry responded. "Wait a minute okay." He said going to his driver.

"Mr. Davids, I'm going to take the bus. You go to Zayn's house and wait for me there. Is it okay?" He asked. "Of course sir. Take care alright." The driver said. "Yes Mr. Davids. Thank you."

"I looked at Zayn, he was staring at Gabby and Harry. He looked different. "Are you okay buddy?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm fine Niall." He replied with a smile. "Gotta go home now." He said. "Alright mate. Take care. Give me a hug!!" I responded opening my arms for him.

"Oh Niall!!" He muttered giving me a hug! "Bye Gail, Bye Lou, Bye Liam!" He exclaimed.

When the drivers of Louis and Liam came, they already went home. "Gail, I'll take you home." I said to her. "No Niall. I'm fine." She answered. "I insist. You are safer with me Gail." I replied. 


1. Which one is your favorite bromance?

2. What do you think of Gail and Niall?

3. How about Zayn, Gabby, and Harry??

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