Part 3

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This time, it was our second time going out together to get to know each other. From the last time we went, he knew a thing about me and I knew two things about him. Then, he had to go because his dad was calling and whatsoever. I hung my bag over my shoulder and took a last glance on the mirror, red lipstick and light blush on my cheeks. I straighten my jacket and walked out of my house and was blinded by flashes everywhere. I heard a honk across the street and straight away I knew it was Justin.

I ran and got into the car and wiped my perspire and looked over to him who was staring at me. "Let's go?" I stated a question, unsure of what he was waiting for. He nodded and all the way, the drive was silent. We did stole a few glance until I fell asleep.

"Wake up. Wake up." I heard a husky voice and a finger poking my sides. I shook my head a little and blinked a few times before I really woke up. Justin got out of the car mumbling something I don't understand. I looked at myself at the small mirror and got out of the car.

"Reservation for Bieber." He said and placed his arm on my small back. He was five inches taller than me so I looked up to him and he gave me a half smile before the man came back again to show us our booth.

"I've ordered the best dishes for us so continuing from the other day, it was supposed to be you telling me another thing about you." He said and took a sip of his water. Just as I was about to speak, the waiter came and asked what we wanted to drink.

"We can have red wine." I told him and he nodded and walked away. "Alright, the last one was I love the color black and red. So, another thing about me is I only had two boyfriends in my entire life." I said and his eyes were as if they were dropping out. I nodded nervously and looked looked at my iPad to type his new fact. "What about you?"

"I have a lot of girlfriends. But, the longest one was two weeks. That was when I was in fifth grade." He said and his face were in deep red.

The food was served a few minutes later.

"I was supposed to get married this year, December." I said and again, he's eyes bulge out again. "If you ever did the eyes thing with me again, I'll make sure my fork poke you right in the eye."

"Chill. Well, I cheated on all of my girlfriends. They were too clingy." He said and cut his chicken.

"Sex isn't everything. In fact, I hate it."

"Wow. That's um, different from others. I dyed my hair blonde and brunette back in just two days." He said and I nodded while typing.

"The first video I posted on Instagram was me on a skateboard but I deleted because I fell and broke my thumb." I said and laughed a little when I remember I cried a week straight because I couldn't do anything.

"I fell off my skateboard just last night." He took a deep breathe and spoke again. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded at his attempt at asking me question. "Are you afraid of falling in love?"

I shook my head and looked up to him. "I'm not scared of falling in love. In fact, I'm scared of the people I fall for. You know why? Because people change or worse, they leave just like Mike." I said and looked up to him. "What about you? Are you afraid?"

"I've never fell in love. What age did you fall in love?"

"Nineteen. Can we talk about something else?" I asked him, hopefully his answer was yes.

He nodded and started speaking again. "I had an accident before but it was a miracle because I was perfectly fine." He said and chuckled a little.

"I got hit by a bicycle of a seven year old. I got a blister."

"I had sex at every relationship I had."

"Wow. I don't want to know your sex life but I've only had sex once. And then that's when I hated it."


"Because it was an unbearable pain and it's kinda- I can't find the right word but I hate it. Moaning? I hate that. But, the feeling of wanting it again is still there so ever since I was twenty, I kept my eyes away from all sex scenes or things that would turn me on." I said and shrugged a little before putting the cut meat into my mouth.

"Well, for me, I would prefer girls who loves sex and shit guys do but you, you increase the interest of yourself to me." He replied with a small smile.

"Well then, should I apologize or be grateful?"

"Grateful I guess. Anyways, I'm done with my food. Wanna catch a movie or something?" He asked, with hopes in his eyes.

"Sure. What kind?"

"Cool. Let's go." He left hundred dollars before leading me out of the restaurant and get into his car. "Terminator then." He said before closing the door on my side and ran to the driver side and started driving.


"Thanks. I had a great time even though the part when they were naked you kept staring at me and had boner." We shared a laughter. Our laughter only died down when we got into the car. "Can we stop by McDonald's? I want fries." I said and chuckled. He nodded and drove away.

We got my fries and his burger and stopped at a nearby lake to have our little dine again.

"Is it alright? I'll drive you home." We got into his car and he sped off the road.

We shared and laughed about things we shared in the past that we had done that made us look stupid. Our laughter died only when I saw the one and only I didn't expect.

"Nicole Lizzy Green."

"Michael Rudy Broadway."





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