Part 6

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"Oh god! Look at these fishes! I want a goldfish, babe." I used my iPad and looked through videos of fishes and pictures of it. I looked up from my iPad but only to see him shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"Who are going to feed them when we're not here? Caitlin won't be here everyday, babe, why not a cat or something that could be carried around?" He raised his eyebrow. "Why not a little monkey?"

I laughed at his suggestion. "Shut up. We had one during our dating days until you decided to leave it in the zoo. How cruel," I teased him.

"Yeah, yeah." He playfully rolled his eyes. "They're going to be here soon. Do you want to stay with me or rest for a bit, darling." He nuzzled into my neck after finishing his sentence. I could feel his breath on my neck that made my chill run down my spine.

"Justin," I warned. "We had sex last night. I'm tired." I whine.

"But it's a new day." He looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"Still, I'll just stay in the living room when they come over, alright?" The bell rang and I took my cue to sit on the couch and switched on the tv.

"Mr Bieber." I heard a man's voice.

When I looked back at them, they were settling down on the dining table. I couldn't here anything, just some whispers and inaudible words.

Justin's POV

"I'm aware of that happening. I told my guys to take care of it. Don't worry to much and focus on your own task." I said to the three of them. I have no idea what Zack was doing here, why he was brought along with them. "So is that all?"

"No. I'm sure you've heard about Mr Chang's visit. I hope you know that he won't be coming anytime soon. He said that his Wife is sick and needed his attention so he couldn't fly here and he hope that you could call him up." Zack said and handed me a piece of paper, a screenshot of an email sent from Mr Chang.

"Alright, I'll just keep in touch with him. By the way, can one of you do a research on animals home. My Wife wants to have a pet, I guess she's lonely most of the time when I'm at work. Get the baby ones, cute ones. I don't care it's a dog, cat, hamsters. Whatever you find its cute, send it to me and I'll make a survey check." Neil was writing something down, I figured it was what I said. "Oh, and book one of the best hotel in London. Near to the Eiffel Tower or anything, I want it to be romantic. One big room during the New Year's Eve." I remembered I wanted to take Char out to a candle light dinner and an amazing night after she give birth. Both nodded their heads at me. Once I dismissed them, I check on Char, she was peacefully sleeping in the couch. I carefully slipped an arm under her knee and behind her shoulder for support to carry her back to the bedroom.

She stirred up a little when I pulled her up. "Sleep, sleep." I whispered and put her onto the bed and pulled the duvet over her small figure.

I was awoken from my sleep by small talks. I heard a voice counting. I slowly opened up my eyes and saw Char sitting at the edge of the bed facing me, with a calendar in her hands. "Twenty-three and twenty-four. Alright, two more weeks till you see the cruel world." She rubbed her very pregnant stomach and looked at me.

I don't understand pregnant woman. And her, last few weeks, she became so sad, she broke down so much, I cries and eat a lot, then complains she's getting fatter. I don't understand.

"What wrong?" I sit up a bit and rubbed my eyes. "We've talked about this. We don't want anything to rush." I smiled softly at her.

"I know, but sometimes I feel like this is going to be a lot harder than it looks."

"That's alright. Put the calendar down and do what you have to. I'm going to shower now." She nodded and walked out the room.

Char's POV

"Pans, pancake mix and some bacon because daddy loves bacon." I sing-sang in the kitchen until I heard water splash and wet on my both my legs.

No, this is not happening. At least let me eat! My subconscious screamed.

I looked down on both my legs and I was right, I'm gonna give birth.

"Justin!" I shouted and held onto my stomach for dear life. "Justin! You motherf.ucker! Get down here!" I scream. Nothing. "For sake!" I shouted. I lost my balance and landed on my butt. Seconds later, Justin panicked and run down to the kitchen with towels hanging on his hips.

"Oh, God. Stay there. I'll call the ambulance." He ran off.

Once he was in his huge tee and jeans, he carried my up and put me on the couch while waiting for the ambulance.

"Shouldn't you be wearing dress? So it gets out more-" he stopped rambling when I grabbed on his shirt and started screaming in agony. "Alright,alright. It's my first time too. I have no idea- ooh, that's the ambulance." He left me and opened up the door.

The last thing I remembered was a man dressed in blue uniform carried my up and put me on a stretcher and rolled away before everything turns black.

Chattering were filled up my ears, laughing and crying. From darkness, slowly I see bright lights. Once my eyes were adjusted, I saw my whole family and Justin's. My mom was crying but once she saw me, she ran and hugged my tightly, almost choking me. I looked down my stomach, it's flat, no longer bulging out.

"Where's my baby?" I raised my voice.

"Don't worry, the Nurses are giving them extra care." Justin came forward and held my hand. "They're going to be under they're care for at least two weeks." He said. "Oh and you'll be discharged tomorrow." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I was thinking, is the name Tyler and Keegan nice?"

"Do you really want a boy?" I asked him.

"Both the twins are boys, babe. Adorable boys." He said, coming closer and kissed my nose. Slowly, our family started to ease themselves out of the room to give us privacy.

"You'll only able to see them later, you did a c section just now. I was completely out of my mind. I thought I lost you. Oh and your dad passed out while waiting." He laughed. "He was so happy when he found out he had two grandsons."

"Now, this is what I dreamt for. A happy small family." I said and he continued," fun's gonna be on daddy's bed." He whispered. The door was harshly ripped off by a middle aged nurse.

"Sorry to interrupt but your meal will be sent soon, according to what doctor wants you to eat." She said, not waiting for my reply and walked out the door.



What happened in Orlando is indeed heartbreaking. And what was tweeted on Twitter was heartbreaking. What do you mean by if you stood by a muslim is not safe? What do you mean by standing next to gay people is not safe?

I have a Muslim Friend and I'm proud of her. She couldn't even go out with her hijab without people staring at her, giving her dirty looks. What happened to the world?

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