Part 1

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"I heard she's coming yo, man." I heard Chaz's voice just as me and Emily entered the Halloween house party.

"I know, Justin's a stupid f.uck for cheating on her. If I was her boyfriend, I would never cheat on her." Another unknown voice rings to my ear.

"Baby, I'll get us some drinks, stay here." She shouted through the loud music.

I went out of the house and followed Chaz and Ryan's voices where I heard them just now.

"You're here alone, Arabella?" Chaz asked her, I'm assuming she's there with them.

"Yea. I came here with a boy but I lost him so yea." She said, more like a whisper. I missed her. I missed holding her, leaving small kisses on her face whenever I woke up next to her or wishing her goodbye. I missed all of it.

I took a few steps more, then my name was being called. "Justin, baby! I told you to stay inside, am I right?" Emily's voice was heard from the back then I heard some shuffling and then I saw Chaz dressed in his casual wear, Ryan as a constructor worker with his yellow helmet and lastly, I saw Bella in a tight short black dress that ends just under her bum and she's wearing a cat ear head band and her face was painted like a cat. There was a deep v line in between her shirt that makes her boobs look big and visible. God, I really want to touch her and punish for wearing something like this for someone.

Emily on the other hand, she bra and ripped shorts saying that it would be cold but whatever.

"Hi, it's been a long time." I said to all three of them. Chaz and Ryan returned 'hi' to me while Bella only nod once and looked away.

"Oh, I'm his girlfriend and you know why he doesn't want you anymore? Because you can't give him what I can." Emily suddenly said.

"Was that supposed to hurt? Because I don't feel anything about it." Bella said and raised her eyebrows. "You mean give your lose pussy to him, I totally understand. Anyways Justin, I pity you. You could do a lot better that this scum." Bella said and then the three of them laughed. I wanted to laugh too but Emily pulled my hand but not strong enough to pull me away from them.

"Belle! Belle! Babe, come here!" I heard a man's voice shouted from the back. Looking to the back, I saw a well-build male maybe a little taller than me jogged to Bella and kissed her cheek making her blush. "Let's go for ping pong game. My friends are calling you. And, you guys wanna join too?" He asked. Without thinking, I nod my head and followed them into the house.


After so many rounds of the ping pong game, Bella was drunk dead and giggling like a horse if that even make sense but she's still as cute as always. Emily had passed out after the second round only and thankfully for me, I was out of the game as I punched the guy who was with Bella just now right after they shared a small peck when they scored.

"Get the shits together man! Someone called the cops on us! Hide those drinks and the weeds!" I heard voices passing around with the same sentence.

The first thing that comes up to my mind was Bella. Her little pissy guy was already at the toilet so I ran to her and put the other of her hand on my shoulder and mine around her waist as I supported her to walk but unfortunately, when we were at the doorstep, she fall to the ground her being short, the way of walking to get her out wasn't good enough so I varied her bridal style and get her into my car and threw her onto the backseat and started driving away from the house.

"Hahaha. My boobs are painful, all because of you, you." She pointed her forefinger at me then she cupped her breasts and rolled them she fell on the ground, carpet car. Smart move, Arabella.

"I'm not going to carry your Stay there until we've reach home." Home. Do I let her stay at my place or hers?

After killing the engine, I got out of my car and ran to the back and drag her out then I carried her bridal style. Surprisingly, she was still awake. But soon when I reached my bedroom and put her on the bed, she was unconscious.

I took this opportunity to take the clothing off her and let her use my clothes.

I unzipped her black dress and unclasp her bra and watched her naked body but still wearing her black lace underwear. Her chest was rising up and down calmly. Her lips were parted. God, I missed holding her while she sleeps, cuddled against my chest.

I made her sit up a little and slipped her favorite grey shirt of mine and laid her back down again.

"Baby, Justin? Whose heels are those? Did you bring Emily home?" I heard mom shouted through the door and knocking nonstop and because it was night time and it was dark, me being the scary cat, fell of the bed and opened up the door and shhed her. "It's Arabella. She just passed out." I whispered.

"You mean Ara my baby? The one who f.ucked it up?" She asked me.

Shamefully, I nodded and she zoomed into my bedroom. "She's as beautiful as what I've last seen her. As beautiful as ever. It's you. Oh god, why do I have a son who can't handle his d.ick?" She sighed. "I really want to see you both together."

"Not gonna happen. He's a d.ick. A big d.ick even though he has a small one." We heard Arabella said. We gasped and looked at her. "God, stop talking so loud will you guys? Get out of my room." She said rather whispering at hugged my bolster pillow and brought it between her legs.

I jumped onto the bed and kicked mom out of the room. Then, I slipped my hand on her thigh and then I went more above when I heard she released a little gasp, I started rubbing her in circles slowly.

"Baby Justin." She moaned and tugged on my hand, trying to push it away but I know she wants it.

"Moan for me."

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