Part 3

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"I'm here to see mr Justin." I told the middle age woman.

"I'm sorry, he's in a meeting now. His meeting ends in half an hour. Maybe you could wait?" She offered me a smile.

"No thanks. You have a paper? I'll write some shit and you pass it to him." I suggested and she nodded, passing me a piece of small paper.

I started scribbling on the paper.

Can't meet you today, dipshit. Got school today.

I gave the paper to the woman and Tan back downstairs and rode my bicycle all the way to Gorge's house. Once I've reached, I threw my bike to the side and ran for the bell.

Seconds later the door snapped open. "I've got everything ready. Need the camera too?" He asked as I walked into his home and looked around his living room. Everything was ready and put nicely.

"Maybe. Oh and where did you get all the flowers and worms?"

"No need to ask. I'm an expert." I nodded at his sheepish answer and put on my coat and lab glasses.

We were doing some experiments on reactions-I-don't-even-know thing.

A few hours of the experiments and we were soon done, I left his home to go back home and changed into Starbucks uniform and had a little pinch of lunch. Just a hamburger and a Coke.

Then I continued my ride to Starbucks and predict how my evening would be like. All boring.

"Hi, what would you like to order?" I said to the next costumer.

"I would like to order grande miss Alex." A male voice said.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up and saw Justin in his suit and a briefcase in his hand. "Oh, Justin. Miss Alex is unavailable. But really, what do you want?"

"I want to talk to you. Noting more."

"I'm busy." I said and looked to the middle aged woman behind him. "Hi! Welcome to Starbucks, what would you like?"

The day continues and my job ended at eleven in the evening and started to pack everything in my bag, change my clothes and got on my bike and start cycling home.

Meet you tomorrow. No excuses.
-Mr J.B

I smiled at the paper that was left on my bicycle basket only when I was locking it against my gate apartment.

I admit it to myself that agreeing to this sounds stupid but the look on his face once after he told me about it seems so urgent.

"How's school?" My dad asked me while he cooked in the kitchen with his pink apron on and my stepmom teaching her one year old daughter, Abby, reading some baby books.

"Same. Oh, and I'll be staying late tomorrow after school. I... uhm... I have a meeting." Really? That was the first thing that came out of my mouth after battling with myself what to say to my dad.

"So, should I cook you dinner tomorrow?" He asked me and I shook my head and ran across the living room to the kitchen and kissed his cheek and then ran to my own room, throwing myself on my comfy bed before showering.

After putting my damped hair on one side of my shoulder, I started drying my hair. In the middle of it, a few knocks were pounded on my wooden door. "Wait up! I'm dressing up!" I shouted. I was only in my undergarments.

Just as I opened up my closet, the door creaked open and jumped in shock and fell onto the ground with my sweatshirt in my little fist. "Shh," the familiar voice whispered. "It's me. Look up, Justin." I looked up and showed him my disgusted face.

"Didn't I told you I was dressing up?"

"You did. Oh, your parents just went out when I came in. They told me to tell you that they are having the night by themselves." He winks at me. "That means we could have a night of our own too," he whispered to me and walked nearer with his rough voice.

I awkwardly smiled at him and nodded.

"Great! So, dress up! Let go to mine!" He said cheerfully.

I shook my head and stood up after my sweatshirt was on me. "No. What's the purpose of you coming here then?"

"To pick you up, duh."

I shook my head silently and rolled my eyes at him. "Not going anywhere. It's my date night."

"With who?"

"My bed and pillow." I smiled.


What's your favourite track?

Mine is - I'll show you
-Mark my words
-the feeling
-no sense

!!!! (Tell me!!)

Daddy kink // J.BHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin