Part 7

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Justin's POV

I clipped my file together and took my jacket that I hung this morning and went out to look for Holland.

Since I was a just now, I wanted to take her a ride home and maybe a little supper before that. But all that shattered when I saw her kissing Liam. After the separated their bodies, I caught a smirk on Liam's face while Holland licked her lips.

Was all this to get back at me for what I've done to her? Why didn't I think that she'll be hotter in the future when I was 'dating' her in high school?

Waiting silently in a quiet library while using my phone, trying to get to Holland. It's been a whole ten minutes and she still wasn't here.

I sighed and rested my books on the shelf and Rina, my ex bed buddy came.

"Library? So what now? After her and you're going to be like one of them, aren't ya?" She raised her short skirt above her mid thigh.

"No." I rolled my eyes.

"Show me then." She twisted a handful of my hair in her forefinger and middle finger.

I picked her up from below of her thighs and wrapped it between my torso. I started kissing her and slowly unbuttoning her top while she ripped clothes off my body.

I didn't think of anything. I'm not even sure if I put on a condom first.

Seconds after I moved in and out of her, I heard a gasp and books falling.


She was standing there, as a beautiful angel she is, watching me and Rina f.ucking. She stutters and turn back, started running without her books.

I pushed Rina away and get dressed as soon as possible. I got Holland's book and tried finding her around the school but she was no longer to be found.

A few days gone by and I did not even see a glimpse of her.

Weeks gone by and I decided to visit her at her home.

"Yes?" An unfamiliar man opens the door. From his accent, I could tell his Mexican.

"Um, is Holland here?"

"You mean the Martins family?" I nodded. "They flew to New York weeks ago." He continued.


"Hey! You okay?" The woman who served me coffee asked me. I nodded and took a sip from my almost gone cold coffee. I left a tip and got out of there after that.

When I was on the way home, I stopped at a mall to get a new tie for work tomorrow. Black or grey? I think to myself and banged into someone.

"Ouch!" A woman's voice squeak. I looked down and saw a familiar face. "Justin?" She called out.

"Selena? What are you-"

"Babe! Where did you go?" A guy came towards us and hugged her tightly around her waist to show a gesture that she's his.

"I'll get going." I said, my voice was lost in the wind.

Soon, I got back home and rested well and hope for the better day to come.

I stepped a foot into the office and saw Holland sulking. Her back was slouched, she was on her personal laptop instead of working one.

"What's up?"

"It's down." She joked but no sense of humour whatsoever in her voice.

"Are you alright?"

"All left." She pouts and continues to type, not leaving her eyes off the screen.

"Hey, I'm serious."

"I'm Holland. Hi Serious." She managed to laugh at her own joke and finally looked at me.

"Liam's leaving." She pouts but her mouth was stretched to the left as if she was thinking.


"His parents wanted him to continue his arts career."

"He draw or sings or..?"

"Both actually." She smiled. "He won't be back until next three years."

"He will visit, am I right?"

She shook her head. "I don't think so."


"Not sure."

"Alright, can we have lunch together later?" I asked her in the most polite way I could.

She nodded but didn't said anything.

Everything was smooth but once lunch time arrived, everything that I planned to say to her was vanished.

We were in the canteen having our lunch when I decided to bring back the topic. "Can we please start over?"

She stopped chewing and raised her head high to look at me. "I've been meaning to. But I know how you are." She rolls her eyes.


"You take things way too fast and not caring about anyone but yourself."

"I know but I'll try, okay?"

"alright. Friends?"

"With benefits?" Her face changes to a horrified face. "Kidding. Friends." I smiled proudly at her.

We won't be friends for long. I'll be calling you mine very soon.


HELLO!! THANKS FOR THE VOTINGSS!!! And I love all of you!

Daddy kink // J.BWhere stories live. Discover now