Part 2

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"Is it true? You fu.cked your hot neighbour?" Angie came to me during lunch. The news has been going around since yesterday, all thanks to Kane. I just hid my head low and continue eating my tasteless burger.

", man. I knew it was going to happen." Stiles stood up from the bench. "Give me twenty,man." He ordered Derek.

Derek grunts but needed up giving him. "Wait, you guys bet on whether I would sleep with him or not?" I asked him.

"Yea, I mean look at those cheek bones and v lines whenever he does his stretching before his run. God, that is what I called what to die for." Derek said and earned a slap on the bicep by Stiles.

"I am what to die for, suc.ker!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Yes, babe, I'm sorry. Oh, Elle, we made a bet on you and Justin because we know those stupid bit.ches talking about how big Kane's was a lie. We all know that pale white boy probably only have an inch." Derek said and the whole table was full of laughter.

We hushed ourselves when the teacher walked past us and went back to our own classes.

I had Spanish with Derek and he couldn't stop talking to me about why I didn't listen to them that I shouldn't date Kane because he was a mistake that couldn't be replenished. I kept laughing and received glares from Kane, which was seated a few sits to the front, right. Once school ended, we parted ways and I walked home, since the distance from school to home wasn't that long.

Once I recognised the the blocks to my house, I took off my earpiece and rolled it into my pocket and suddenly saw Kane, running towards me. All bad things came up to my mind.

He could have acid in his hands and could splash it on my face anytime.

Or he could have some kind of hunting knifes in his leather jacket and was going to stab me and leave me dead here.

I gasped loudly when he got a hold of my wrist.

I quickly pulled it back and tried to not make any body contact with him. He run his fingers on his hair and bit his tongue, nervous.

"Yes? I'm in a rush." I tried to make an excuse to walk away.

"Sorry." He mutters under his breath.

"What?" I wanted him to say it, meaning it as well.

"I'm sorry for spreading the things that you've never did. I'm sorry, please forgive me." His eyes didn't meet mine.

"Whatever. I don't care. People are starting to believe what's not true. It's doesn't matter." I sighed an walked away. I thanked God silently when I saw my house.

"You really don't think I'm sorry?" He sounded disbelief, mad even.

"The fact that I heard about the news that you and the lacrosse players were betting on who would sleep with me first, Derek and Stiles not counted." I said calmingly.

"That wasn't my idea, I didn't-"

"You put in two hundred buck so that Zack would sleep with me! You know how much I despise him!" I shouted, hitting his chest in anger and ran into my house, not giving him a chance to come in.

Dad and Justin was already home, both watching football on the tv screen.

By dinner, Justin was already gone and Mom brought back Mexican food for dinner.

Before I went to sleep, I went out to chat with Stiles on Skype and told him what happened. He quickly phoned Derek and told him that both of them should egg his car tonight so that I would have a good night sleep tonight.

I was so thankful to have them as my friends.

A few days went by smoothly, well, other than Kane blaming Justin doing it, everything is fine.

Jaxon, Justin's Brother needed someone to babysit him on the weekends, I volunteered since I didn't have anything to do on both days.

When the day came, I hugged Pattie and wished her good luck for her dinner with her new 'boyfriend'.

Once I walked into the house, I see Justin walking around just in his boxers with Flash in his arms and mine following him. "I see you brought mine here." I smiled and walked over to the crib, saw Jaxon jumping up and down when he saw me making my way to him.

I've always loved that little boy. I smiled at him and carried him into my arms and rest him on my hip while I walked into the kitchen to get his formula.

"Yep, it's been a Long time since I see you here." He said.

"I know, I've been pretty busy." I said.

"You know, if you switch on spongebob for him and he'll sit down quietly and we can do... naughty things around here." He nibbled my ear with his lips making my knees grow weak. "I'll get the disc. Put him on couch, get inside my room and remove everything. Don't wanna get punished by daddy, won't you?" He bit his lip.

I'm starting to believe what the Internet says is true because they say the ones who goes to church, quiet ones are the most freaky ones.

He is the most nicest guy on earth and want me to call him daddy in bed?

I waste no time to rush to his bedroom once I put Jaxon on the couch.

I decided to not listen to him, I removed my clothing only, I kept my underwear and bra on.

When I heard the door opened, I shrieked and went under the covers. "Well now, I think you've got enough time. I think it's time you get punished since you've been teasing me all week, running with that tight yoga pants and doing stretching, bending low, showing me you cleavage." He took a few steps forward.

I bit my lip and my brave soul suddenly spoke up. "You want this, daddy?" I spread my legs.


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Omg guys I have a lot of assignments and you won't believe this but some of them caught on fire when I tried cooking eggs in the kitchen. :(
My dad won't let me in the kitchen anymore!!

Have a great day yalls!;)

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